Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sunrise Service and Easter doings

Gotta make this a relatively quick entry, haha.

On Saturday night, Eric came over and made whole wheat spaghetti. I talked on the phone to Karen about Dylan and other assorted things. No, I've never liked Dylan in that way... my sister wouldn't be too impressed if I did! (her actual terminology involved vomiting, heh) Eric picked us up bright and early Sunday morning for Sunrise Service. Once we got there, I huddled close to Joey and Mike, attempting to make out the words on the printed sheet of paper with songs. (discussed birds, umbrellas, and more) The sky gradually lightened, so I wasn't treated to the sight of Sarah using her cell phone as a flashlight... Christon did that with Mike's too, on Nathan's sheets as leader. Afterwards, we all went to ABC Country Restaurant. I saw Jeremy and his brother Mark, William, Joyce (who apparently drank a thing of creamer - doesn't she get milk at home?!), Martin, Raymond, Calla, Quan, Danielle, her friend Raquel, Steph, Jon, and many other people. We all laughed at a commercial for a hearing device - sure, let's hold up the thing in church so we can hear what the preacher's saying! I had the Farmhand's Power Breakfast, and it turned out that my sister had the same thing. Talked a bit to Pastor John and Rich about church stuff and the 30-Hour Famine... sounded like interesting times!

Once we got to church, we tried sleeping in the car for twenty minutes. Went inside the church and met up with Auntie Kwai, then went downstairs to the kitchen to refill the K-Man's water bottle / say hi to Michael's mom. When I went upstairs again, I sat in a pew in front of Jeremy and his family - of course Jer and Mark had trouble persuading their parents to get up for the Sunrise Service, haha. Jeremy laughed as he described the service as a "rainy, windy, dark service - not exactly Sunrise!" Too true! (K only managed it by staying up all night - Jon observed that he looked really out of it, with good reason! He got some sleep when he reached home, though!) I wasn't quite as COMPOS MENTIS as I'd have liked to be, of course. After service, we headed outside - I went downstairs to alert Auntie Fonda that I wouldn't be staying to help with the toddlers since we needed sleep! Talked to Andrew and Julie C. about stuff before heading outside to say hi to Stanley.

Asked Jeremy about the borscht, Good Friday service, and his weekend; greeted Tony, Denise, Eunice, and others (including Mel and baby Micah!); pointed out Sheena for Jeremy; and generally walked around in a daze. When Jeremy didn't have $3 change for skating, I gave it to him - it'll be all good even if he doesn't pay me back on Friday, haha. He turned to me with a grin and asked if I owed him $3, haha - no, but I like to help people out where I can! After a bit of socializing, we went home. The rest of the day passed in a normal fashion, and so did today. Went over to the townhouse for dinner (thanks, Nate!) - it was good to have Eric and Nathan there, for sure. Discussed Chinese Eric, curling, hockey, church stuff, rocks, tea, a joke about how Eric had proposed to Nathan, CSI: MIAMI ("Murder at a Wedding" - remotely controlled guns and blackmail, oh my!), Harmony, beer, energy drinks, Nate being finished with his thesis, and more. Got a bunch of interesting flavors of chips from the States - molé (chocolate and chicken), tamarind and salsa, Flaming Hot Cheetos, and pork rinds! (okay, so pork rinds aren't chips.. but it was fine!) Been an interesting couple of days, for sure!

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