Friday, October 06, 2006

LJ boxes, my efficiency, OK Cupid messages, and dreams of mansions

What the heck... LJ refuses to convert my time to normal anymore, and it also doesn't autosave drafts now. Very annoying! Plus, the text field box stretches the screen... I demand it be fixed NOW! (haha, as if complaining here is going to do any good!) Maybe it'll be fixed if I restart... so I'll try that later.

Andrea emailed me (copying Randal) to ask how the laser eye surgery went, so I just copied and pasted the stuff I wrote after I called Steph. I am efficient, and that'll be two fewer people on the weekend that I have to tell about how it went! Well, let's hope so... knowing me, I'll probably talk to one or the other (or both!) of them anyhow.

I got an... interesting... message on OK Cupid about shirts and pulling them around. Uh, sure.. o_O

I had an interesting dream which started out at a bus stop. A bunch of my friends (including Jeremy) were waiting forever on a blacktop road for a bus. Once we checked the bus schedule which was across the street (nearly getting run over by another bus in the process), we discovered that the next bus would come in a while. After getting on that bus, we went to a mansion, where our task was to keep an eye on a particular person. The dude tried to escape a few times, but we kept him contained till he had to face judgement. :D Weird stuff...

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