Saturday, January 28, 2006

Questions 4001-4050 of 5000

I called Sam earlier... 3:15-ish should be fine tomorrow, as long as it doesn't end up being 4 like last week! :P

This entry would have come to you much earlier had I not been distracted by things like MSN, messing with it to get the latest patch, revising my entries, etc. Eeep... way too many shiny things on the Internet, for sure!

Note: LJ Reading List / First LJ Party / LJ Nothing To Do With Anything / LJ Camping Trip / LJ Preschool / what my LJ friends really get up to / LJ Race Around The World / LJ Entirely Too Awesome blogquizzes. (by Lilita, Amber, and Shelley)

Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P

The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.

4001. If you're dating someone, does that mean you're single? No.

4002. You are sitting alone with a stack of videos and a VCR. Of the following, which are you most likely to put on (1 is most, 10 is least)

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: 2
Dracula: 8
SLC Punk: 7
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me: 9
Jerry Springer: Too Hot For TV: 3
Singing in the Rain: 6
Flash Gordon: 10
The Matrix: 1 (just for the first half, haha)
Blade Runner: 5
The Muppet Movie: 4

4003. Are you more likely to get or send random instant messages? Send.

4004. If you were writing an ad telling people to come to your town, what would you say about it? Parks, family fun, friendly people (but watch out for the drivers!), lots of stuff to do...

4005. What part of your body can you not stand to get an itch on? I'm not saying. :P

4006. How many people do you suppose have stolen that System of a Down album called Steal This Album? Haha, I remember when Spoz did a blog post on it... "got me the new CD, "SYSTEM OF A DOWN - STEAL THIS ALBUM".. when I went up to pay.. I asked the girl at the counter "hey, is there a 5 finger discount on this?" took her a few seconds to figure out the joke.. (wot can I say? if I see an opportunity for a joke.. I gotta run with it..)"

4007. Name a band you like: Children of Bodom.

What are / were this band's roots and influences? Black / power metal... and they're from Finland!

4008. Would you rather have a poster of John Lennon or a cute fuzzy black cat? Oh, if only cute fuzzy black cats were allowed here....

4009. Make a Public Service Announcement: Original answer: "Chicken." I don't THINK so! :P My answer: "It is advisable to watch out for spyware and adware on your computers, as that stuff can definitely be malicious!"

4010. What makes you feel the need to escape? When I'm being yelled at / lectured by certain people, and also when I'm around people in general too much.

4011. You and your significant other, crush, interest, etc. ... who is the Ernie and who is the Bert? ..... I have no idea since I don't really have one.

4012. When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself whether you did the right thing? Way too often... like when letting Palmer into my life, haha.

4013. What do you find it hard to say goodbye to? The good feeling of a hug from a friend, the last day of certain things...

4014. What is your fantasy Valentine's Day like? We just spend it together having dinner and then just hanging out.

4015. If you had to have a color for a name, what color would it be? Topaz.

4016. Should preference be given to minority students during the college admission process? Sure.

4017. Sweet wine, fresh crisp apples, bagels with creme cheese and lox... what is the most incredibly luxurious food? Original answer: "I don't know... lobster, haha." I'd agree, but that's not on the list! My answer: "Sweet wine."

4018. Is there really anything to fear in Communism? I can't say, not having the desire to research it at 3 AM.

4019. Best Sesame Street character: Big Bird.

most annoying Sesame Street character: The Count.

4020. Feast or famine? Feast.

4021. Write a poem right here in five minutes or less: I don't feel like thinking / So instead I'll just drift off / Into the land of the subconscious / Where all can be surreal. (that's all you're getting!)

4022. Do you stay and help clean up after a party? Sometimes.

4023. Why was the teddy bear named after Teddy Roosevelt? Here, have something from Wikipedia.

4024. What are you the prince or princess of? I'm the birthday queen. ;)

4025. Some people think that Christmas should be taken off public school calendars because it is politically incorrect. What would you say to this? You're all stupid idiots.

4026. Would you rather go to an exorcism or a step aerobics class? A step aerobics class.

4027. Do you believe in spells and curses? No.

4028. What TV show does your family watch together? ... hockey games, haha.

4029. What's on your calendar this year? No clue.

4030. Is anything ruining your life? What is it? Nothing right now, although give it another day or two. ;)

4031. How was life meant to be lived? To the fullest... cliché answer, I know. :P

4032. What is your usual breakfast? Cereal or noodles.

4033. If you had kids, would you worry about what they did online? Probably.

4034. Will you be maxin' and relaxin' this weekend? Not really.

If not, what are your weekend plans? Awana, dinner at Dave's mom's place, family time probably, church, Sunday School with the toddlers, AGM... NOT relaxing!

4035. Who has the most interesting story to tell: someone who used to fly to Asia as a drug trader, the CEO of Nike, a NYC homeless person, or a preacher's wife? The drug trader.

4036. What do you have a bad feeling about? About oversleeping tomorrow.

4037. Do you have a lot to say? Depends.

4038. If a smallpox vaccine was offered to you, would you take it? Depends.

4039. Would you ever work at a kissing booth? No.

How about a dunking booth? Oh yeah!

4040. There is a woman who paints by stripping naked, rolling around in paint and then pressing her body against the canvas. What do you think of her art? .... er... at least it doesn't involve feces like some other "art" pieces I've heard of.. (pun fully intended!)

4041. Have you ever bought something you saw on TV? Yes.

4042. Name a relative: Jon.

That relative dies unexpectedly. On the same day, 9/11 happens. You can either bring back your relative or bring back half the people who died on 9/11. What do you do? Bring back my relative.

4043. Have you gone mental? Not really.

4044. What do you think of Jews for Jesus? I don't feel like thinking right now. But I guess they're okay...

4045. Has anyone ever tried to "save" you? Yes.

4046. Quick! Picture Santa Claus in your head. Was he black or white when you pictured him? White.

4047. Would you ever buy a black Santa Claus? ... are those things even on sale anywhere?!

4048. Would you take your kids to visit a black Santa Claus? Sure, why not?

Why or why not? Because his race doesn't matter, does it?

4049. What do you smell like? You don't want to know, haha. For now, I'll say "skin" and leave it at that. :P

4050. What kind of soup do you eat? Hot and sour, corn, various Chinese soups, chicken noodle, mushroom, tomato, chicken sausage gumbo, alphabet, Italian Wedding, shark's fin.... I love soup. :D

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