Friday, January 27, 2006

Google / Hugh Williams coincidence / Questions 3951-4000 of 5000 / Yes or no? / Dragon Memegens 2

My friend Jasmine sent me an email about our only mutual friend: apparently, he thanked her for introducing me to him since he quite likes chatting with me via LJ comments! She also gave me his MSN / email addresses, since she knows he wouldn't mind if I had them. (I *thought* he added me to his MSN just now...) As I recall, I kinda forced the introduction (getting her to ask him to friend me... yes, very roundabout since I'm shy about that)... but it's very surprising to hear that he thinks that way of me! Sure, I enjoy chatting to him that way as well... but I'm not going to SAY it. Dunno why... eh well. (I thought she was making it up at first, but then figured she wouldn't have a reason to do that!)

That kinda reminds me of the compliment Steve L. paid me last year: "I think you fit that category for the best new person I met this year, although the odds against us ever meeting in person are astronomical. Well, you *are* the new person I've met this year that I talk to most often." Yes, I believed that one right off... and treasure it to this day. That was definitely very sweet and touching. I didn't know I could make such a positive impression on people! :D

Added more tags to entries that needed them... yes, I'm obsessed in a GOOD WAY! :P

Google has a graphic up for Mozart's birthday. How cute. :)

I just read this elsewhere:

On December 5, 1664, a ship sank in the Menai Strait with 81 passengers. The only survivor was a man named Hugh Williams.
On December 5, 1785, a ship sank in the Menai Strait with 60 passengers. The only survivor was a man named Hugh Williams.
On December 5, 1860, a ship sank in the Menai Strait with 25 passengers. The only survivor was a man named Hugh Williams.

(note: The Menai Strait is off the coast of north Wales)

This reminds me, I've been wanting to join coincidence-related communities. Maybe later, haha.

Note: LJ Dragon Life / LJ Princess Bride / what my LJ friends are getting me for Valentine's Day Memegens. (by Demi-Wyrm, chaz_lehmann, and shinikami)

Note: The weird secrets my LJ friends are keeping blogquizzes. (by Skye)

Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P

The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.

3951. What are you saving up for? Actually, nothing.

3952. Would you rather improve your cooking, creativity, body, logic, or charisma? Cooking.

3953. Is it more important to have strength or speed? Speed.

3954. What is your favorite thing to do each day? Read, talk to friends.

3955. When you are driving, do you ever feel like turning the car towards someplace unfamiliar and not coming back? I don't drive, but maybe.

3956. Have you ever gone to lunch at a job and never gone back to the job? Haha, no.

3957. What kind of dining room set defines you as a person? I don't know.

3958. Kiss: with or without the makeup? With.

3959. Madonna or Courtney Love? Madonna.

3960. Are you down with James Brown? Sure.

3961. Do you believe in miracles? Yes.

3962. Are you living a lie? No.

3963. If you had to give up one, would it be Caller ID or Call Waiting? Call Waiting.

3964. Are you ready to switch to an electric or solar powered car? I don't know.

3965. What is the greatest band of the 90's? I don't know... too many to choose from!

3966. What's the appeal of Ally McBeal? I don't know... the unisex washrooms? :D

3967. Fill in the blank.

___ ain't the kind of place to raise a kid. This.

3968. What song goes: Starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise, we're gonna dance all night to this DJ, and who is it by? DJ Paul Oakenfold, Starry Eyed Surprise.

3969. What ever happened to the MTV VJ Kennedy? I don't watch MTV.

3970. If you could sing with one band for a day, what band and what song would you want it to be? My singing voice is terrible, heh. None of that for me! (but maybe Our Lady Peace's Naveed)

3971. Josie and the Pussycats or Jem? Josie and the Pussycats.

3972. Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too? Sure.

3973. Britney Spears: schoolgirl or sexy? Ew, neither!

3974. Would you get married on TV? Probably not.

3975. Where do you go looking for the secrets of life? I don't.

3976. What is the fuel for your soul? Music.

3977. Why do people watch American Idol (I think it's for Simon)? Watching people sing songs and get onstage is cool.

3978. What makes life sweet? I wish I knew.

3979. What does it take to make a great band? Music and charm, heh. Plus a great backstory.

3980. What do you think of when you hear the word "devo"? "WHIP IT!!!!!!!"

3981. What song or movie represents the 80's for you? Duran Duran, Hungry Like The Wolf.

3982. What song, poem, or other piece of writing would you want read when you died? Too many to choose from... guess I better start thinking about it. o_O

3983. Is a stable job / home / family pretty much your goal, or do you want more than that... and WHAT? Eh, that's fine.

3984. What TV show that is no longer on TV do you miss? Lots of them! Saved By The Bell, anyone?

3985. Remember when Kris from Nirvana threw his bass in the air and hit himself in the head with it? Haha, yeah.

3986. What commercial is really annoying you (almonds, want some almonds, you're a big fellow aren't you)? There WERE the ones for the election ("Why not speak when everyone else is listening?!"), but now that it's over with, I can't think of any right now.

3987. Nominate a rock star for president: Bono.

3988. Who amazes you? Chrystal.

3989. What's the best musical act to come outta your own country? The Tragically Hip, heh.

another country? ... too many to choose from...

3990. Is your life glamorous and exciting? No.

3991. Greatest old-school rap artist: Um... the Beastie Boys?

Greatest new-school rap artist: No idea.

3992. Which persona: DJ Jazzy Jeff or Will Smith? Will Smith.

39993. Ever try yoga? No.

3994. Are you a brick shit house? Nice Placebo reference, but no. But if you insist, I'm only one in the bathroom. ;)

3995. What products do you use? Too many to list.

3996. How good do you look? Eh. Let's not go there.

3997. Tonight, you're going to party like_________. "I'm going for bubble tea!"

3998. Have you ever written a song? Not really.

If yes, did you record it? No.

3999. What would you like to have 999 of? $1,000,000 dollar bills.

4000. Do you own a metal detector? No.

Here's a 100-question "Yes or no?" survey stolen from David K.

Yes or no?

1. Made out for more than 3 minutes? No.

2. Slept in a different bed? Yes.

3. Made out in a movie theatre? No.

4. Made out in the forest? No.

5. Thought your cousin was hot? No, but my sister did. (Shut up, she didn't know better at that age.)

6. Played truth or dare? Yes.

7. Slept naked? Yes.

8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? No.

9. Gone over the speed limit? No.

10. Painted your room? No.

11. Drove a car? No.

12. Danced in front of your mirror? No.

13. Gotten dumped? Yes.

14. Dumped someone? Yes.

15. Stolen money from a friend? No.

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes, and I also remember the story of Danielle's doing that!

17. Been in a fistfight? No.

18. Snuck out of your house? Yes.

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have feelings for you? Yes.

20. Been arrested? Not technically.

21. Made out with a stranger? No.

22. Left your house without telling your parents? Yes.

23. Had a crush on your neighbor? No.

24. Ditched school to do something more fun? No.

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes.

26. Seen someone die? No, but I was thisclose to it when Linda did. (missed it by about an hour...)

27. Been on a plane? Yes.

28. Kissed a picture? No.

29. Slept in until 3? Later than that.

30. Love someone or miss someone right now? Miss, yes... love, no.

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yes.

32. Made a snow angel? Yes.

33. Played dress-up? Yes.

34. Cheated while playing a game? Duh.

35. Been lonely? Yes.

36. Fallen asleep at work / school? Yes.

37. Been to a club? No.

38. Felt an earthquake? No.

39. Touched a snake? Yes.

40. Ran a red light? No.

41. Been suspended from school? Yes... there was the time I hit Erika Fursevich over the head with a field hockey stick because she trash-talked me. My parents were NOT impressed, haha.

42. Had detention? Yes.

43. Been in a car accident? Yes.

44. Hated the way you look? Yes.

45. Witnessed a crime? Yes.

46. Been lost? Yes.

47. Been to the opposite side of the country? Close enough.

48. Been to another country? Yes.

49. Cried yourself to sleep? Yes.

50. Sang karaoke? Yes.

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes.

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes.

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.

54. Kissed in the rain? No.

55. Sung in the shower? Yes.

56. Had a dream that you married someone? No.

57. Glued your hand to something? No.

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No.

59. Ever gone to school partially naked? No.

60. Ever gone to school completely naked? No.

61. Sat on a roof top? No.

62. Didn't take a shower for a week? Yes.

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? Yes.

64. Played chicken? No.

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No.

66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? No.

67. Broken a bone? No.

68. Been easily amused? Yes, sometimes too much so! Eric will back me up on this one, haha.

69. Laughed so hard you cried? No.

70. Cheated on a test? Yes.

71. Forgotten someone's name? Yes.

72. Blacked out from drinking? No.

73. Played a prank on someone? Yes.

74. Gotten expelled? No.

75. Eaten grass? No.

76. Failed a class? Yes.

77. Pretended to be scared? Yes.

78. Stalked a crush? No.

79. Been stalked? No.

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? No.

81. Thrown strange objects? Yes.

82. Felt like killing someone? Yes.

83. Thought about running away? Yes.

84. Ran away? Yes.

85. Had detention and not attend it? No.

86. Made parents cry? Probably.

87. Cried over someone? Yes.

88. Owned more than 5 Sharpies? No.

89. Dated someone more than once? No.

90. Have dogs? No.

91. Tripped on mushrooms? No.

92. Been in a band? No.

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day? No.

94. Broken a CD? No.

95. Shot a gun? No.

96. Been on Myspace for more than 5 hours? No Myspace account here, although I am logged into certain journal sites / email / Trillian all the time I'm on the computer.

97. Eaten alligator meat? Yes.

98. Have a major crush on someone? No.

99. Who? That's not a yes or no question.

100. Wonder what people would say at your funeral? Yes.

Your Life as a Dragon by omnipredation
First, pick a colour!
Choose a size. Mmm...
Now select a meal.
Last – what's your goal in life?
Congratulations! Your scales are:Bronze
You'll be living...somewhere really really shiny!! Ohyesohyay!!
Your lifespan is aboutYou're an immortal dragon. You're not dying.
Your quality of lifeYou're friendly and have many dragon and animal friends.
Your hoard consists mainly ofThat life insurance policy you took out on Bill Gates.
Your lonely, like your life, but you'll meet a nice spirit somewhere someday.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Life As A Dragon by Wacky_Jaci
Dragon NameOofisis The Greedy
You Dwell inan Unknown Region
# of Knights you Would Slay473
You BreatheFire
You live to be4,723
You die byChoking on a Skull
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Hillbilly Name Is...

Loretta Lynne Duke

Your Spicy Score: Mild

You may not make the hottest first impression..
But you're definitely the type of girl that sticks in a guy's mind.
You prefer to play things cool. You know that good things come to those who wait.
And the amazing thing about you is that you get hotter over time!

What Dragon would you be? by tobyspit
Wing Span (FT):12
Breath Weapon:Ice
Special Ability:Teleportation
Type of Magic:Green
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What type of Dragon are you?
by hollyann
Type of DragonLightning Dragon
Breath WeaponLiquid Acid
Colour of BodyWhite
How many feet tall9
How many feet long47
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Kind Of Dragon Are You? by CatTheFreak
ColorBlue with Grey Stripes
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Dragon Hierarchy by Xander Kage
Dragon Name:Kaiser
Position on Hierarchy35
Power:Mega Flare
Color of ScalesGreen
Eye ColorGrey
Date of Rebirth as a DragonJune 19, 2026
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Dragon Hierarchy (Completed Version) by Ashley Riot
Dragon Name:Merrik
Dragon Type:Sky Wyrm: Flying Wyrm (Sky Scraper Size)
Color of Scales:Silver
Color of Eyes:White
Special Ability / Attack:Silver Claw
Rank in Dragon Hierarchy:106
Date of DragonMay 8, 2619
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What elemental or sub elementa dragon are you? by antrodemus
AttitudeCold. Entices people to their deaths. No friends.
ElementEarth behaving as water, such as geyser.
Weapongrey magic
Quiz created with MemeGen!

.... aiya. o_O

You As A Dragon Rider by Milo73096
Favorite Color:
Dragon Description:EXTREMELY large, black dragon. With a body more like a snake with legs. Scales slick, so its hard to stay on him. Long neck and tail, that slash around like a whip, flat face with spikes lining his body, and dark pools of eyes. Long wings that bend to substitute as arms.
Sword:A large piece of steel glass, that is black and white, sharp, and can cut peoples' souls away from their bodies... no hilt, so every time you hold it, you get cut.
Dragon Age:Middle Age
Dragon Name:Embyr (means: great wing)
Dragon Personality:Short-tempered, full of rage, thinks of you as a kid that he frequently has to babysit.
DragonShape Shift into a griffin
Your Power:Psychic
Faults:Your dragon likes to pick on you
Your Special Quality:Silver palm
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Dragon Form by dollrandir
Name / Username
WingsEagle wings.
BodyStout and scarred from many battles.
Main DefenseIce.
WeaknessYou avoid confrontation.
Others Admire You For BeingPeaceful.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What does your dragon look like? by Sento-Myacca
Earshuman ears
TailFinned Tail
WingsPurple wings
Eye colornone
SpikesHUGE spikes
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Dragon name generator by arc_avalo
Your gender
First nameDanzig
Last name (part 1)Pink
Last name (part 2)tail
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I like the Danzig part, but not so much the "pink" part. Bleh?

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