Sunday, December 11, 2005

Mistakes / Quizzes

I just mistook the tapioca pudding for the margarine when I went to spread it on my breakfast sandwich. See what happens when I get up in the morning?! :P

Ah, the joys of being churched-out and sleepy to boot....

Take the quiz:
What kind of shoes are you?

You are comfortable shoes
You are comfortable shoes. More laid back and quiet, you pretty much go with the flow while still maintaining your own personality. Kick back and relax, dude!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:

* You are Funky Shoes!! (You scored 0)
* You are comfortable shoes (You scored 4)
* You are Sexy Shoes, mmm (You scored 1)
* You are Tennis (Jock) Shoes (You scored 0)
* You are Combat Boots, sir! (You scored 0)
* You are no shoes at all! (You scored 1)

Take the quiz:
Which of my original characters are you?

Fallen Angel
You are Fallen! (ME!) She died about two years ago, but came back to finish what she started. You have many friends who you would give your life for... in fact... that's how you died. Yet everyone loves you.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:

* Fallen Angel (You scored 3)
* Leigh Madison (You scored 1)
* Lakila Moon (You scored 0)
* Ailyn Blaqk (You scored 0)
* Jaden Carson (You scored 1)

Take the quiz:
Are you an internet whore?

The internet has consumed your soul.....
You are one of us now........ welcome.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:

* The internet has consumed your soul..... (You scored 4)
* You almost have a life in the outside world. (You scored 2)
* You have no idea what URL means, do you? (You scored 0)
* What the hell? Do you even have a computer? (You scored 0)

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