Cursing, books, Father's Day, Awana BBQ, this week's plans, dirty uniforms, Take It To Heart, gay!
Quick rundown of my afternoon / early evening:
* Realize that Jann Arden's Insensitive is the near-perfect song for me now.
* Take bus into town, and buy Jessica's birthday card at the dollar store.
* Go to library to return my mom's books on Alaskan / Pacific Northwest cruises.
* Wander into Chapters and buy the #12 and #17 Bathroom Readers for Nathan and Citrus' birthdays. (I might as well buy them both at once!) Contemplate The Diaries of Samuel Pepys for myself, but decide to get that one another time. (yes, I'm aware it's available online... but I like actual books sometimes! :P)
* Go back to the library and borrow The Kid (national sex columnist Dan Savage and his boyfriend Terry adopted a kid)... I need *some* free reading material for the bus ride to church and such! Also grab a bunch of free bookmarks... you're technically supposed to take only a few, but I figure that I'll be fine as long as I'm not grabbing all 200 available. ;)
* Go back to dollar store and buy stickers which will decorate the books and birthday card.
* Have lunch at the Cactus Club.
* Take bus to Awana: Melia welcomes me back; Cindy, Emily, and Auntie Vivian ask how my trip was; Danny and Alysia tease Edmond because he forgot his dirty uniform; and Auntie Rebecca threatens us with posting our names on the Internet if we don't do this year's Take It To Heart verses of Proverbs 3:1-13... we laugh this off. (but if little Zoe can do it, we can too...)
* Eric T. tells me that the highlight of the Awana club is the year-end BBQ at Uncle Patrick's house. I definitely agree, but I might not make it if I have to go through the transit / lateness woes that I did last year! Auntie Vivian asks if he's talked to Uncle Patrick yet: nope! But that BBQ definitely provides good times, as Nathan would say. I remember Emily, Sarah, and Julie suggesting names for Anita and Jeff's future kids at the last one: Ichabod, Beatrice, and Jeffita?!
* Sam gives me a ride home since my usual ride (Michelle) is in Brazil or something on a missions trip. During a Kiel Mortgage Father's Day commercial, I realize that (for the second year in a row), I don't have to do anything for Father's Day. Last year (as I was telling Eric H.), my parents went on a European cruise in June and didn't come back till the day after. This year, my parents and sister are going to Toronto for her grad ceremonies, then go on a bus tour of New York. Sam says I'm lucky, haha!
* Think about the stuff I must do this week: pay my phone bill, plonk down cash for a money order (still under consideration for Tuesday!), meet Shannon at Lonsdale Quay at 2 on Wednesday (and not sleep in), forget about someone....
* Get home and find this suggestion for dealing with my mother's questioning: "Tell her that you're a lesbian instead!" I don't THINK so! :P
Corey wants to tell my mom that I'm gay!
[19:17:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: someone just said that I'd "suffer an onterage" of questions from my mom if I told her that I was a lesbian :P
[19:18:41] mrptptpt: can I tell her you're a lesbian?
[19:18:42] *** Auto-response sent to mrptptpt: I am currently away from the computer.
[19:19:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: my mother?
[19:20:18] mrptptpt: sure
[19:22:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: you don't even know her number! :P
[19:39:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: so how do you figure you'll tell her?
[19:45:07] mrptptpt: so what's her number?
[19:45:27] mrptptpt: I told my friend Will's dad that Will's younger brother was gay :P
[19:45:50] mrptptpt: I said that he "loved the cock"
[19:46:57] AlenaBrolxFlami: I'm not going to give you her number!
[19:47:28] mrptptpt: pleaaase? I can call it for free with a relay service for deaf people!
[19:47:35] mrptptpt: then I don't even have to worry about sounding fake
[19:47:40] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh man... haha.. what was his reaction?
[19:47:42] mrptptpt: since an operator reads everything
[19:47:53] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I know about that... but no!
[19:48:00] mrptptpt: he just said that he didn't think so, and that he didn't live there anymore and had a girlfriend :P
[19:48:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, he could be bi :P
[19:48:34] mrptptpt: I said I was his gay lover and that he loved the cock and we'd been buttfucking for a while now, and wanted to let him know :P (this was all using a relay operator, too :P)
[19:48:56] mrptptpt: so why are we telling your mom that you're a lesbian anyway?
[19:56:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: aiya
[19:57:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: someone suggested it as an alternative to her bugging me with questions about guys :P
[19:59:28] mrptptpt: okay... well, I'll call her up and say "dude, I was just spying on Leslie through her window, and she was totally going down on another chick and playing with her boobs"
then she'll get the picture
[20:03:42] AlenaBrolxFlami: first of all, you can't do that since you live nowhere near me. second of all, she'd call ME after she got a call like that, and then ream my ass out six different ways from Sunday :P
[20:05:45] mrptptpt: I'll just tell her I live there :P
[20:11:23] AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't think so!
[20:12:22] mrptptpt: well, can I call YOU and tell you that you're a lesbian?
[20:15:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: we both know that isn't true :P
[20:15:28] mrptptpt: that's okay
[20:19:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't know that you'd want to do that anyway :P
[20:20:09] mrptptpt: why not?
[20:20:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: because that would be weird for a first phone call: "Hey Leslie, you're a lesbian! Get it? haha!"
[20:28:12] mrptptpt: okay, I'll leave off the "get it" part
[20:31:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: believe me, I've had plenty of that to last me a lifetime :P
[20:31:39] mrptptpt: plenty of people calling you a lesbian?
[20:32:42] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, plenty of people teasing me about being one because of my name :P
[20:33:10] mrptptpt: Lesliebian?
[20:36:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: no... more like "LEZlie... see? you ARE one!"
[20:40:57] mrptptpt: tell them it's spelled with an s :P
[20:42:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: that was for emphasis... they knew the correct spelling :P
[20:46:29] mrptptpt: then you could just call them "fatty fat fat fat"
[20:48:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: eh, what sort of insult is that? :P
[20:55:00] mrptptpt: it's from the Simpsons!
[20:55:04] mrptptpt: and calls the person fat
[20:56:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: aiya :P
[20:59:29] mrptptpt: you could say that too, I guess
[21:04:41] AlenaBrolxFlami: but that's not an insult!
[21:05:47] mrptptpt: then try "may your mother be fucked by 1000 dicks!"
there was some website of international insults and I think that was some Middle Eastern one... the literal translation..
[21:08:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: ooh, link?
[21:08:32] mrptptpt: it's not online anymore.. it's old
[21:08:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: dang :P
[21:10:24] mrptptpt: that's not the same one, but it looks like a database of international cursing :P
[21:10:50] AlenaBrolxFlami: cool! :P
[21:15:07] mrptptpt: use Firefox, though... this incredibly annoying activeX thing keeps coming up if you use IE
[21:15:32] mrptptpt: so zakennayo, baita
[21:16:03] mrptptpt: and you're an onara atama, too
[21:18:13] mrptptpt: I'm sending a bunch of the Chinese ones to Jane :P
[21:18:29] mrptptpt: the first one was "pighead" which she always calls me, so she thought I copied her
[21:18:35] mrptptpt: then I called her gay :P
[21:19:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh, you're nice :P
[21:20:31] mrptptpt: well she said ??????? to me!
[21:20:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: which is?
[21:21:26] mrptptpt: a young fool :P
[21:21:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: hm
[21:21:37] mrptptpt: now she called me a "good locomotive"
[21:21:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh.. that's an INSULT?
[21:23:03] mrptptpt: she says it's new slang there... it means you're annoying and mean
[21:23:11] mrptptpt: she doesn't know why they use that word though
[21:23:21] mrptptpt: loco is crazy in Spanish.... but locomotive?? :P
[21:23:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, okay :P no clue..
[21:24:17] mrptptpt: Corey says:
Jane says:
[21:24:31] mrptptpt: "I wish you a slow death, but a quick ride to hell!"
[21:24:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: AIYA!
[21:25:25] mrptptpt: she probably thinks I'm using a translation site :P that's what I usually do when I insult her in Chinese
[21:28:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha
[21:28:16] mrptptpt: okay, this one must be bad :P she made a REALLY mad face
Corey says:
Jane says:
COREY (mad face icon that isn't copying goes here)
plus, she made a mad face on her camera
[21:28:27] mrptptpt: "Fuck the 18 generations of your ancestors"
[21:30:14] mrptptpt: Corey says:
is that bad or something?
Jane says:
of course
Jane says:
that is pretty rude!!!
Corey says:
are you sure?
Jane says:
you are BAD
Jane says:
Corey says:
why is that so bad?
Jane says:
of course it is bad
Corey says:
Jane says:
uh... that is like what... fuck and ..... fuck all your family or something!!!
Jane says:
that is BAD
[21:30:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: I agree! that IS bad!
[21:36:17] mrptptpt: she makes great faces :P
[21:36:29] mrptptpt: Corey says:
Jane says:
Jane says:
[21:36:35] mrptptpt: "fuck your mother's ass"
[21:36:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, that's an insult, all right..
[21:46:33] mrptptpt: Nide muchin shr ega da wukwei (your mother is a big turtle)
[21:46:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh..
[21:47:13] mrptptpt: I'm asking her about that one :P
[21:47:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: good idea
[21:47:54] mrptptpt: here we go: Ni ya lian zhang de gen lan bi shi de You have a face like a rotting cunt
[21:48:02] mrptptpt: I think I'll use that one next after she explains this one
[21:48:13] AlenaBrolxFlami: AIYA
[21:50:15] mrptptpt: you can say that to people that call you a lesbian
[21:51:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha
[21:55:53] mrptptpt: apparently calling someone a big turtle is an insult.. she doesn't know why :P
[21:56:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: I have no idea, either..
[21:58:37] mrptptpt: the only things I could think of were being low to the ground, or being a coward (hiding in your shell), but she doesn't think those are right
[21:59:25] mrptptpt: Alf Zobr Fe Teezak A thousand cocks in your ass
[21:59:30] mrptptpt: Egyptian Arabic :P
[22:08:45] *** You have been disconnected. Sat Jun 04 22:08:45 2005.
[22:30:14] *** "mrptptpt" signed on at Sat Jun 04 22:30:11 2005.
[22:32:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: my mom says that it's an insult to call someone "wong bat dan" :P
[22:34:41] mrptptpt: what does that mean?
[22:34:45] *** Auto-response sent to mrptptpt: I am currently away from the computer.
[22:37:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: "turtle eggs... you know what bat is.. nosy!"
[22:40:32] mrptptpt: turtle eggs are nosy?
[22:43:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: apparently :P
[22:46:34] mrptptpt: turtle eggs never try to butt into my business, though
[22:46:56] mrptptpt: so did you tell your mom about your new interest for women?
[22:55:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: they don't try to butt into mine, either... and no, that's only in your head :P
[22:56:58] mrptptpt: Jane says the turtle egg thing means a fool or something like that.. you're not literally calling them turtle eggs... that's just what you say, or something :P
[22:59:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, my mom says it's not literal either.. more like a figurative type of thing :P
[23:00:00] mrptptpt: you're a turtle egg!
[23:04:23] AlenaBrolxFlami: am not :P
[23:09:12] mrptptpt: oh, fine
The third choice to #3 made me think of Palmer, haha. :P
As for the results... I don't know about those! o_O
* Realize that Jann Arden's Insensitive is the near-perfect song for me now.
* Take bus into town, and buy Jessica's birthday card at the dollar store.
* Go to library to return my mom's books on Alaskan / Pacific Northwest cruises.
* Wander into Chapters and buy the #12 and #17 Bathroom Readers for Nathan and Citrus' birthdays. (I might as well buy them both at once!) Contemplate The Diaries of Samuel Pepys for myself, but decide to get that one another time. (yes, I'm aware it's available online... but I like actual books sometimes! :P)
* Go back to the library and borrow The Kid (national sex columnist Dan Savage and his boyfriend Terry adopted a kid)... I need *some* free reading material for the bus ride to church and such! Also grab a bunch of free bookmarks... you're technically supposed to take only a few, but I figure that I'll be fine as long as I'm not grabbing all 200 available. ;)
* Go back to dollar store and buy stickers which will decorate the books and birthday card.
* Have lunch at the Cactus Club.
* Take bus to Awana: Melia welcomes me back; Cindy, Emily, and Auntie Vivian ask how my trip was; Danny and Alysia tease Edmond because he forgot his dirty uniform; and Auntie Rebecca threatens us with posting our names on the Internet if we don't do this year's Take It To Heart verses of Proverbs 3:1-13... we laugh this off. (but if little Zoe can do it, we can too...)
* Eric T. tells me that the highlight of the Awana club is the year-end BBQ at Uncle Patrick's house. I definitely agree, but I might not make it if I have to go through the transit / lateness woes that I did last year! Auntie Vivian asks if he's talked to Uncle Patrick yet: nope! But that BBQ definitely provides good times, as Nathan would say. I remember Emily, Sarah, and Julie suggesting names for Anita and Jeff's future kids at the last one: Ichabod, Beatrice, and Jeffita?!
* Sam gives me a ride home since my usual ride (Michelle) is in Brazil or something on a missions trip. During a Kiel Mortgage Father's Day commercial, I realize that (for the second year in a row), I don't have to do anything for Father's Day. Last year (as I was telling Eric H.), my parents went on a European cruise in June and didn't come back till the day after. This year, my parents and sister are going to Toronto for her grad ceremonies, then go on a bus tour of New York. Sam says I'm lucky, haha!
* Think about the stuff I must do this week: pay my phone bill, plonk down cash for a money order (still under consideration for Tuesday!), meet Shannon at Lonsdale Quay at 2 on Wednesday (and not sleep in), forget about someone....
* Get home and find this suggestion for dealing with my mother's questioning: "Tell her that you're a lesbian instead!" I don't THINK so! :P
Corey wants to tell my mom that I'm gay!
[19:17:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: someone just said that I'd "suffer an onterage" of questions from my mom if I told her that I was a lesbian :P
[19:18:41] mrptptpt: can I tell her you're a lesbian?
[19:18:42] *** Auto-response sent to mrptptpt: I am currently away from the computer.
[19:19:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: my mother?
[19:20:18] mrptptpt: sure
[19:22:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: you don't even know her number! :P
[19:39:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: so how do you figure you'll tell her?
[19:45:07] mrptptpt: so what's her number?
[19:45:27] mrptptpt: I told my friend Will's dad that Will's younger brother was gay :P
[19:45:50] mrptptpt: I said that he "loved the cock"
[19:46:57] AlenaBrolxFlami: I'm not going to give you her number!
[19:47:28] mrptptpt: pleaaase? I can call it for free with a relay service for deaf people!
[19:47:35] mrptptpt: then I don't even have to worry about sounding fake
[19:47:40] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh man... haha.. what was his reaction?
[19:47:42] mrptptpt: since an operator reads everything
[19:47:53] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I know about that... but no!
[19:48:00] mrptptpt: he just said that he didn't think so, and that he didn't live there anymore and had a girlfriend :P
[19:48:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, he could be bi :P
[19:48:34] mrptptpt: I said I was his gay lover and that he loved the cock and we'd been buttfucking for a while now, and wanted to let him know :P (this was all using a relay operator, too :P)
[19:48:56] mrptptpt: so why are we telling your mom that you're a lesbian anyway?
[19:56:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: aiya
[19:57:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: someone suggested it as an alternative to her bugging me with questions about guys :P
[19:59:28] mrptptpt: okay... well, I'll call her up and say "dude, I was just spying on Leslie through her window, and she was totally going down on another chick and playing with her boobs"
then she'll get the picture
[20:03:42] AlenaBrolxFlami: first of all, you can't do that since you live nowhere near me. second of all, she'd call ME after she got a call like that, and then ream my ass out six different ways from Sunday :P
[20:05:45] mrptptpt: I'll just tell her I live there :P
[20:11:23] AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't think so!
[20:12:22] mrptptpt: well, can I call YOU and tell you that you're a lesbian?
[20:15:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: we both know that isn't true :P
[20:15:28] mrptptpt: that's okay
[20:19:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't know that you'd want to do that anyway :P
[20:20:09] mrptptpt: why not?
[20:20:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: because that would be weird for a first phone call: "Hey Leslie, you're a lesbian! Get it? haha!"
[20:28:12] mrptptpt: okay, I'll leave off the "get it" part
[20:31:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: believe me, I've had plenty of that to last me a lifetime :P
[20:31:39] mrptptpt: plenty of people calling you a lesbian?
[20:32:42] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, plenty of people teasing me about being one because of my name :P
[20:33:10] mrptptpt: Lesliebian?
[20:36:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: no... more like "LEZlie... see? you ARE one!"
[20:40:57] mrptptpt: tell them it's spelled with an s :P
[20:42:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: that was for emphasis... they knew the correct spelling :P
[20:46:29] mrptptpt: then you could just call them "fatty fat fat fat"
[20:48:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: eh, what sort of insult is that? :P
[20:55:00] mrptptpt: it's from the Simpsons!
[20:55:04] mrptptpt: and calls the person fat
[20:56:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: aiya :P
[20:59:29] mrptptpt: you could say that too, I guess
[21:04:41] AlenaBrolxFlami: but that's not an insult!
[21:05:47] mrptptpt: then try "may your mother be fucked by 1000 dicks!"
there was some website of international insults and I think that was some Middle Eastern one... the literal translation..
[21:08:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: ooh, link?
[21:08:32] mrptptpt: it's not online anymore.. it's old
[21:08:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: dang :P
[21:10:24] mrptptpt: that's not the same one, but it looks like a database of international cursing :P
[21:10:50] AlenaBrolxFlami: cool! :P
[21:15:07] mrptptpt: use Firefox, though... this incredibly annoying activeX thing keeps coming up if you use IE
[21:15:32] mrptptpt: so zakennayo, baita
[21:16:03] mrptptpt: and you're an onara atama, too
[21:18:13] mrptptpt: I'm sending a bunch of the Chinese ones to Jane :P
[21:18:29] mrptptpt: the first one was "pighead" which she always calls me, so she thought I copied her
[21:18:35] mrptptpt: then I called her gay :P
[21:19:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh, you're nice :P
[21:20:31] mrptptpt: well she said ??????? to me!
[21:20:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: which is?
[21:21:26] mrptptpt: a young fool :P
[21:21:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: hm
[21:21:37] mrptptpt: now she called me a "good locomotive"
[21:21:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh.. that's an INSULT?
[21:23:03] mrptptpt: she says it's new slang there... it means you're annoying and mean
[21:23:11] mrptptpt: she doesn't know why they use that word though
[21:23:21] mrptptpt: loco is crazy in Spanish.... but locomotive?? :P
[21:23:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, okay :P no clue..
[21:24:17] mrptptpt: Corey says:
Jane says:
[21:24:31] mrptptpt: "I wish you a slow death, but a quick ride to hell!"
[21:24:47] AlenaBrolxFlami: AIYA!
[21:25:25] mrptptpt: she probably thinks I'm using a translation site :P that's what I usually do when I insult her in Chinese
[21:28:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha
[21:28:16] mrptptpt: okay, this one must be bad :P she made a REALLY mad face
Corey says:
Jane says:
COREY (mad face icon that isn't copying goes here)
plus, she made a mad face on her camera
[21:28:27] mrptptpt: "Fuck the 18 generations of your ancestors"
[21:30:14] mrptptpt: Corey says:
is that bad or something?
Jane says:
of course
Jane says:
that is pretty rude!!!
Corey says:
are you sure?
Jane says:
you are BAD
Jane says:
Corey says:
why is that so bad?
Jane says:
of course it is bad
Corey says:
Jane says:
uh... that is like what... fuck and ..... fuck all your family or something!!!
Jane says:
that is BAD
[21:30:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: I agree! that IS bad!
[21:36:17] mrptptpt: she makes great faces :P
[21:36:29] mrptptpt: Corey says:
Jane says:
Jane says:
[21:36:35] mrptptpt: "fuck your mother's ass"
[21:36:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, that's an insult, all right..
[21:46:33] mrptptpt: Nide muchin shr ega da wukwei (your mother is a big turtle)
[21:46:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh..
[21:47:13] mrptptpt: I'm asking her about that one :P
[21:47:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: good idea
[21:47:54] mrptptpt: here we go: Ni ya lian zhang de gen lan bi shi de You have a face like a rotting cunt
[21:48:02] mrptptpt: I think I'll use that one next after she explains this one
[21:48:13] AlenaBrolxFlami: AIYA
[21:50:15] mrptptpt: you can say that to people that call you a lesbian
[21:51:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha
[21:55:53] mrptptpt: apparently calling someone a big turtle is an insult.. she doesn't know why :P
[21:56:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: I have no idea, either..
[21:58:37] mrptptpt: the only things I could think of were being low to the ground, or being a coward (hiding in your shell), but she doesn't think those are right
[21:59:25] mrptptpt: Alf Zobr Fe Teezak A thousand cocks in your ass
[21:59:30] mrptptpt: Egyptian Arabic :P
[22:08:45] *** You have been disconnected. Sat Jun 04 22:08:45 2005.
[22:30:14] *** "mrptptpt" signed on at Sat Jun 04 22:30:11 2005.
[22:32:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: my mom says that it's an insult to call someone "wong bat dan" :P
[22:34:41] mrptptpt: what does that mean?
[22:34:45] *** Auto-response sent to mrptptpt: I am currently away from the computer.
[22:37:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: "turtle eggs... you know what bat is.. nosy!"
[22:40:32] mrptptpt: turtle eggs are nosy?
[22:43:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: apparently :P
[22:46:34] mrptptpt: turtle eggs never try to butt into my business, though
[22:46:56] mrptptpt: so did you tell your mom about your new interest for women?
[22:55:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: they don't try to butt into mine, either... and no, that's only in your head :P
[22:56:58] mrptptpt: Jane says the turtle egg thing means a fool or something like that.. you're not literally calling them turtle eggs... that's just what you say, or something :P
[22:59:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, my mom says it's not literal either.. more like a figurative type of thing :P
[23:00:00] mrptptpt: you're a turtle egg!
[23:04:23] AlenaBrolxFlami: am not :P
[23:09:12] mrptptpt: oh, fine
Your Expression Number is 9 |
An idealist and humanitarian, you strive to make the world a better place. You do your best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion. Deep down, you dream of being loved by many. You are capable of much human understanding, and have a lot to give to others. While you are very ambitious, you never lose sight of perspective. You have an abundance of creative talents... you just need to tap into them. Although you are a giving person, you can become selfish if you are ignored. If you are not able to help people, you tend to shelve your talents. Without others, you become aloof and start to lack sensitivity. |
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. |
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have. |
You think good luck might come your way, but if it does... you'll be so surprised, you'll burst out laughing. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be easily attracted to fads and fashions. You are showy and want to be noticed. |
You are the type of person who assumes that the world revolves around yourself. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out. |
Part Playful Kisser |
![]() Kissing is a huge game for you, a way to flirt and play You're the first one to suggest playing spin the bottle at a party Or you'll go for the wild kiss during a game of truth or dare And you're up for kissing any sexy stranger if the mood is right! |
Part Shy Kisser |
![]() You *do* love to kiss, once you're comfortable with it And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out But you've got plenty of intensity in return |
The third choice to #3 made me think of Palmer, haha. :P
As for the results... I don't know about those! o_O
Labels: bathroom readers, blogthings, cindy, citrus, computer, corey, danny, dreams, emily, firefox, jane, jessica, julie, maxed-out tags limit, melia, michelle, nathan, sex, spelling, stickers
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