Friday, June 03, 2005

Pu-Pu Platter, Hapland 2, Crime Library James Bulger murder

Here's a teaser for the Alaska pictures. This was found on my cleaning sister's blog:

HEHEHEHE. This menu was posted on some Chinese (and I use that term loosely) restaurant in Ketchikan, Alaska - the salmon capital of the world. Perhaps I should submit the pic to Oh, dear... (words stolen from my sister, but it accurately describes my reaction too!)

That picture reminds me of a Blackout's Box prank call I have on here. Some guy calls a Chinese restaurant to discuss a "Pu-Pu Platter" for 30 people. Heh, good times. :D

On another note, Renegade introduced me to Hapland 2. He has way more patience than me, as he finished the game in a few hours. It's harder than the first one, for sure!

Third note: Corey just linked me to the James Bulger murder. Someone posted a link to that when people in the UK were talking about some kids that were caught trying to hang a five-year-old there. Sad, really... kids shouldn't be like that. But when you have Mary Bell... =/

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