Sunday, January 30, 2005

This late update courtesy of the AGM...

When I got to church today, I looked around for Lily with no success. So I asked Lee where she was... at work! At least she got my message of yesterday, and will drive me to Lauren's baby shower tonight... yay for reminders!

I also talked to Vanessa, Stella, Dylan, Rich, Daniel, Alan, Joe, Nathan, Citrus, Danielle, Eric, Frances, Irene, Anita, Sabrina, and Christon. Yes, I am indeed going to the baby shower tonight... the women are all excited about it, since Lauren's the first one among our crowd to be a mom. Gave out various birthday cards in care of / to people: Vanessa says her brother Sean is going to Philadelphia for a dental school interview tomorrow. Didn't know that, so will think of him positively!

I told Dylan that I never forgot about a birthday... he has good cause to know it! Ever since he told me that he forgets his own birthday, I have to tease him about it... there was this one year that he noticed his mom was up earlier than usual and in the kitchen. He wondered why, and then his brother called from Toronto to wish him a happy birthday. It still didn't really stick with him... until he got e-cards from Andrea (then his ex) and Irene. It's not that he conveniently forgets about it, either... it just isn't important enough with him to remember, I guess.

At the church's Annual General Meeting, we thankfully met quorum by one person. (50% of membership plus one person) If we hadn't, we'd have had to come back next week... even if that has no quorum requirement, we didn't want to do THAT at all! I snagged a seat on the comfy couch first: Alan was sitting beside me and of course fell asleep for a while! He always does this... there was this nice slide show at the end of the Awana club year in 2002 that showed him fast asleep in a chair during the kids' singing time! (then there was the time he fell asleep during the Awana Leadership Conference worship slot, and the time he fell asleep during singspiration at Summer Conference 2000... like Denise said, he couldn't deny it since I also saw him!) Joe also attempted to do some studying while sitting on my other side, then figured he should move if he didn't want to fall asleep for real like he'd been wanting to!

Most people brought stuff to do during the meeting: homework, books, laptops, etc. It's not that we don't pay attention even in the balcony, but you might as well do something else while it's going on! I brought my Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader (#17) to read. When I got to an article on 70's bathroom decor, and read about fuzzy blue toilet seat covers, I had to laugh and show Joe the page. There was this time a few years ago when people were over at my place for a Fellowship prayer meeting. Joe then asked whether he could use the washroom... of course! Afterwards, he came out and said: "Speaking as a guy, it's really hard to use your toilet!" Everyone else present wanted to know why, so he told us that it was the fuzzy blue toilet seat cover... holding it up while peeing created the potential for danger. Maxine's pantomime of a guy using my toilet was hilarious! :D

Eric drove me home after I told him that I had to get ready for the baby shower... he knew about it, but my parents didn't. (yes, the preparation involves a different shower of my own :P) Saves me questions on whether I'd have dinner with them (no time) or whether I needed any presents for a price. (no need, as I bought them already... might have cost more, but I honestly didn't mind picking things out myself at the shop!)

He joked that the baby shower was for me (reminds me of when the kids asked if I was going to have a baby a few years ago), and thought that Lauren's husband's name was also Lauren. Nope, it's Warren... all their friends thought it was cute that their names rhymed when they started going out! Eric doesn't know Warren, and has a slim chance of knowing Lauren... I'll dig out their wedding photo and show him on Friday. Eric then thought that it would be similar if my sister (Stephanie) went out with someone named Stephen, or even Stefan. (I contributed, "Or a guy named Seth!") Maybe, but you can't really shorten Stefan down to anything much. (thank goodness I've never gone out with any male Leslies!)

He also asked if I'd had any conversations with Spoz (he likes to call him "Spaz") or "Mystery Memphis" this week. Yes, I had... I told him a few details, but not much more than that. (Eric doesn't need to know about the negatives yet!) We discussed how "walking by faith when you cannot see" was kind of weird at first (since that's the very definition of faith), but figured it had something to do with the big picture.

We'd both stayed home on Friday night, and he asked me if Booty Burgers had any new 2005 products / production. That joke outgrew its "heyday" in maybe late 2002 or early 2003, but it still lives on. (don't ask :P) He also wanted to know what I really discussed in online forums... plenty of things like weird thoughts and such, haha! ;)

It's always good being with Eric: absolutely no problems! Better get off here since I figure Lily will be home from work soon, and will call me to make ride arrangements... later!

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