Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Yelling at people / Quizzes

my computer is being an extremely temperamental beast..
I've had to restart it four times since I got home at 10:30..
color me definitely NOT impressed, and very frustrated..
I'm sure my neighbors appreciate the cursing at 1 AM..
Corey says I should just yell at Vernon about my P2..
heck, I'd yell at HIM for suggesting that.. but I don't wanna :P
no, I've never really seriously yelled at him in 2.5 years..
and I'm sure as hell not going to start it right now!
yes, I'm more irritable than usual because of redrum issues..
so let that be a warning to all who dare cross my path ;)

Note: Which LJ Friend will give me an orgasm Memegen, by holdmylips.

You are cool and fun to be around. Your reason on earth is to enjoy it while you can.

Personality Quiz
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You are crazy!

the CONFUSING QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Random quiz!
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You are my hero, if not my best friend. You should join me in the merry land of Chickenagua... and no, it is not a place you get to by getting high.

~*My Very Random Quiz*~
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Goddammit... you're so damn random!

Random Quiz!
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You are the bunny of doom.

The Doom Quiz.
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You're nothing but a big bad ass!

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If you Got This, THEN YOU'RE LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE FUCKED. This means you like war movies, death and destruction is your game, and you want to die with a nice bullet to the head or the sex with the Hooters girl, and you like your fast food. And the island thing... well, the gun and the hot chick. HELL, YES!!! And you like your ROCK.

Jimmy Quiz
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You got most of the questions right! Good job!

Pop quiz
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Congratulations... you're a Bill Gates type of nerd.

Nerdism Quiz
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James. Of all the arrogant, no-good men! Hah. Despite however much of a jackass you can be -- I mean, laughing when others are pitying and the like -- you can be a kind heart. That is, if you want to be. It doesn't matter how much of a jackass or asshole you are. You still somehow keep up that cool appearance.

Loved by both men and women -- though you prefer women. People tend to fight over who met you first, and so forth, and people like to steal your created words and phrases. It's gotten to the point where you don't even notice it anymore. So many new bitches, as we all like to claim. Whether you want them or not, they're there. And to stay. Pity. Oh well. No matter how much your friends say you can be a real pimp, your objectives are the same: Get a great wife to cook, and who loves you. And perhaps, maybe, even join the army.....

Nerd Quiz II.
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You're... kinda... out there, in your own little world. You feel as if you have no care in the world.... or it's going to blow up if someone steps on a crack in the pavement..... oops. Oo;

The Idiot Quiz
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the whatever quiz (LJ icons)
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You're Yugi Mutou! You used to be a loner who was obsessed with games, but some former enemies became your friends. Now you're a normal kid -- who's still obsessed with games. Don't worry; I'm sure there are self-help programs for that kind of thing.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

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