Monday, June 02, 2003

What do we waste our time on now?!

ha! I just deleted another inadvertent blog doublepost before Spoz could really satisfy himself by doing the favor back! ;P sorry, dude.. maybe next time. you have to admit I'm pretty good at catching (apparent) doubleposts, after all.. ;)

GHQ is still crashed.. has been for the past few days..
Sean's site still appears to be having problems..
(I checked it on the weekend, and no go)
what's the deal with those two sites?
hopefully, my advice to Sean didn't muck things up there..
G's apparently had site problems before, but not like this..
(at least, not that I can remember in the past six months)

so, echoing Spoz's lament of a few days ago..
what do we waste our time on NOW?
I really don't feel like hanging out at various forums..
(that's a surprise, I know..)
eh.. maybe I'll make a few phone calls..

oh, and.. what's with all this sudden email from the Yahoo Mailer-Daemon?
it's not like I sent out a bunch of email yesterday..
I was rather preoccupied with other things instead..
only sent out three emails, which were replies..
guess I'll have to go see..

here we go.. a bunch of mail I sent out on Saturday..
and deliberately to a non-existent address too ;)
(please don't ask.. you don't want to know.. :P)
thought it would be spat back at me right after sending..
but NO, it took about 48 hours.. why? who knows..
hope it doesn't do that next time.. ;)

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