Friday, April 11, 2003

Smokers and their oral fixation / Getting rid of a bunch of change / G and Kempy

Well, if I ever needed confirmation that smokers have some sort of oral fixation thing going on.. this afternoon confirmed it for me. I was waiting for the bus just now, and this teen girl was beginning to smoke a cigarette.. the bus pulled into the stop, and the girl had to put her smoke out. Now, I don't normally watch what people do on the bus (at least, not obsessively), but this girl sat right in front of me.. she must have eaten at least 20 pieces of candy in a bus ride that took maybe 10-15 minutes! (and I got off before she did, so I have no idea if she ate even MORE)

Today, I also got rid of a whole bunch of change.. always a good thing to NOT have such a heavy wallet or pocket. :) Also got myself a whole bunch of bubble wrap to play / de-stress with. Kind of an impulse purchase, but then again, I'd been eying it at the post office for a few days.. bubble wrap therapy, here we come!

I've been wondering to myself over these last couple of days how G and Kempy were doing... once I got to my brother's, I decided to find that out! G's working from home with a vengeance, and Kempy seems to be doing just fine. Nice to be updated, for sure! :)

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