Monday, April 14, 2003

Citrus is kissed by an angel?!

I woke up at 11 to the sound of some idiot knocking at my door.. I didn't think it was THAT terribly important, so I chose to ignore it. (the last time this happened, it wasn't for a serious reason at all) What is it with people who insist on knocking at your door for no earth-shatteringly urgent reason, I wonder? Don't ask me, because I seriously do not know.. somehow, it's never for any really important reason. Eh well, maybe the rest of this day will be a bit better. ;)

Right now though, I must say I'm amused.. watch the indirect references, people. ;)

Here's another "Citrus MSN line": "Kissed by an angel -- I'm someone's Blue Jay Orange!" (I don't know if that's true or not, though he did have a thing for a pastor's daughter when he was in Calgary a couple years ago.. leading to Sean's infamous question last year: "Did you lose it with her?".. then he claimed not to know what that meant because he was SO very extremely innocent.. riiiiiiight.. knowing Sean, he probably DID know what it meant)

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