Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Stupid people over IM... damn you!

Well, I fire up Yahoo Messenger just now.. and the first message I get is from someone who I don't know very well. "Can you please do me a favor? It's really important that you call my friend's cell phone in Maryland for me, as I don't have a phone or a ride to one.. and there's no one else I can ask.." I immediately thought there was something not quite right about it, and made up my mind not to do it at any rate.. never mind the long distance factor. She never said WHY it was so vitally important.. nor indeed how repayment would be done. (you'd think she would, if it was so bloody vitally important..)

Not that I'm a cold / cruel / callous person, but for goodness sakes! Surely there are OTHER people who live closer to Maryland than I do? (Vancouver and Maryland are very far away, you know!) Even if it was a local call, I'd need details: why it was so important, why I should call up someone I don't know from Adam FOR someone ditto, etc. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh and aiiiiiiiiiyaaaaa!!!! Personally, I'd like to go after her with a cosh, hammer, and other implements of perhaps murderous destruction.. then knock some sense into her head repeatedly. ;) (not necessarily ruling out shanks, either.. hehehehe) She's lucky I don't know exactly where she lives.. ;)

And just so I don't have to go explaining it to everyone a zillion times later on, here is the IM text:


zaber_21911 (9:52:33 AM): hey
zaber_21911 (9:53:31 AM): are you there
flamsterette_x (9:54:44 AM): yup..
zaber_21911 (9:54:54 AM): plz say u can do me a favor
flamsterette_x (9:55:06 AM): what is it?
zaber_21911 (9:55:15 AM): i really need you to call my friend for me its important
zaber_21911 (9:55:24 AM): plz say yes
zaber_21911 (9:55:34 AM): i have no phone an no ride to a phone
zaber_21911 (9:55:36 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (9:55:37 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (9:55:38 AM): plz
flamsterette_x (9:56:07 AM): where does this person live?
zaber_21911 (9:56:12 AM): maryland
zaber_21911 (9:56:20 AM): but its just his cell phone and not his house phone
flamsterette_x (9:56:37 AM): I live in Vancouver.. that's a LONG distance, man...
zaber_21911 (9:56:41 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (9:56:47 AM): it will take 2 secs
zaber_21911 (9:56:49 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (9:56:53 AM): this is very important
zaber_21911 (9:57:00 AM): i have no one else that i can get to call
zaber_21911 (9:57:02 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (9:57:46 AM): this is so very important
zaber_21911 (10:00:59 AM): plz do this for me
zaber_21911 (10:01:29 AM): it wont even take a minute
zaber_21911 (10:01:37 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (10:01:39 AM): plz
zaber_21911 (10:01:40 AM): pzl
zaber_21911 (10:01:43 AM): plz
flamsterette_x (10:13:35 AM): I don't know.. surely you must have people that live closer to you that can help you out?

I mean, for goodness sakes. Fishy from the outset.. no phone, indeed. I'm sure that she needed a phone to at least connect to the Internet, even if she did have cable or whatnot. Not to mention everything else I thought about.. I definitely wouldn't have done it in any case. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Thanks go to Spoz, who helped amuse me with a simple comment (like he usually does).. love you! :P

Oh, and we beat the Atlanta Thrashers 8-0 yesterday.. WOOHOO! The Canucks now have won 14 in a row! (or at least have gone undefeated in that amount of time.. a tie isn't necessarily a defeat, right?) Reaching new franchise records and highs.. always nice! :)

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