Thursday, May 05, 2011

Birch pop, gum, hand sanitizer, Starbucks, 4-2 wins, GOOD news, and noise

Before I left, Teunis and I discussed noise / headphones / mustard / hot sauce / potatoes and cabbage / flavor / hockey. Just before Eric called to say he was leaving, Vanessa buzzed me on MSN about birch pop and such. On the way to Starbucks, Eric and I talked about the combination of fruity gum and non-Elections Canada hand sanitizer / Randal's news (:D) / picking Jen up / the hockey game... of course we shared excitement when Vancouver scored to make it 2-1! When we picked Jen up, we talked about the election / voting (SHE voted Conservative, which actually isn't surprising coming from HER) / byelections in her area / Randal's news. She fielded a call from Vivian wondering where we were, especially since Pastor Tom wasn't there yet! Once we got there, we got tea / water / white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, and settled down to our meeting. Of course we HAD to pray for Randal and his family, but I didn't really do this. Discussed summer programs, Vivian's update on the hockey score with ten seconds left in the game (honestly the most interesting aspect: 4-2 win), Boston Pizza being right next door (we heard cheering for what we assumed was a goal), snacks, and more.

On the way home, Eric turned the radio off for some reason - we passed by the Budget store, and discussed the NHL cracking down on their "Go Canucks Go" marquee. That reminded me about Rock 101 and the lawsuit around the "Crush for the Cup" promotion! After dropping Jen off, he wondered why I'd sounded so cheerful when Jen asked us if we'd heard Randal's news - hey, I can't hide my feelings for too long, especially since I know his true colors! Good thing I sent him that civilized email, however: it makes me look good, haha. Then he called me on saying "ew" ("bad," he wrote) when someone mentioned Raymond cooking; it's a good thing he didn't see my face when Jen mentioned Mr. Creep and his hiking last year! We discussed my "lack of social niceties" and more on the rest of the way home: as I thought, Teunis had turned everything off when I left! No surprises there, since he wanted "peaceful quiet" - some people do function better with background noise, but it's fine if he wanted to concentrate on something! I prepared tomorrow's dinner since Eric has to leave early for worship practice AGAIN - guess there will be no Free Friday for me, sigh! I WISH THERE WERE!

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