Friday, November 19, 2010

WORLD TOILET DAY! / Christon and care cards / Fall spices

IT'S WORLD TOILET DAY!!!!!!!!! (according to the Bathroom Readers on Facebook)

Dylan sent me an email to ask if I could bring a couple of greeting care cards (from the batch I bought from Hallmark) for Christon to use tonight. My first instinct was to answer "Depends who they're for" (as in, NOT MR. CREEP!), but that wouldn't be very "decorum-like" [oh, the sarcasm!], so I just said that it would happen IF they were in the mailbox to start with in the first place. If not, Christon is out of luck!

You Are Allspice

You are not as complex as you seem to others. You really just like to keep things simple.

People think you're something you're not. And you're getting a little sick of being misunderstood!

You enjoy the company of others, and you appreciate people from all walks of life. You love to learn about different points of view.

You seem familiar to strangers. People probably tell you that you remind them of someone else.

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