Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Zany diced toes, sex with all Zoe has, Caller ID, and DISTURBED!

High-scoring words of the afternoon:

TOEA (275 points) - against Carol S. [two 5W]
ZANY (624 points) - against Nan J. [two 4W]
VISA (200 points) - against Jade X. [two 5W]
DICES (576 points) - against Carol C. [two 2W, two 4W]
CHOLO (108 points) - against Angela V. [two 3W]
YET (112 points; 4W, 5L on Y), COPING (1300 points; two 5W, two 2W) - against Judy I.
SEX (540 points) - against Sally C. [5W, two 3W]
WITHAL (200 points) - against Lisa L. [2W, 4W, 3L on H]
ZOECIA (252 points) - against Candace B. [two 3W, hook off ROWED to make CROWED]

Thank goodness for Caller ID! Kenny messaged me with "DISTURBED!!! :D" - definitely a smile there, haha!

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