Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dance with Apollo! / Russia and true crime, NOT saying "good morning" / ESCAPE!

High-scoring words of the day so far:

DANCE (120 points) - against Nathalie C. [5W, 2W, hook on OPE to make COPE]
APOLLOS (135 points) - against Angela V. [two 3W]
AYAH (108 points) - against Julie G.-H. [two 3W]
JIG (325 points) - against Lisa K. [two 5W]
MEGABITS (140 points) - against Cheryl H. [4W]

Got up this morning, and after two minutes at the computer to post a placeholder on my friends page and FB status, I was outta there. Auntie Teresa said "good morning" to me, but I really don't like the mornings - and I'm not kindly disposed toward her in any event because she used my personal item! Of course, I muttered a perfunctory "good morning" to her, which she said she didn't hear. Well, you're not my mother... and it's not MY fault you didn't hear it! I went up to Grandma and said that I'd be going out to the library - she thought I'd go to Steveston, but I ended up going to Brighouse anyway. First, I waited for the bus in the sun - ah, Vitamin D!

Went to Aberdeen's Daiso to replace my backscratcher - I'm very particular about these things. Then I went to Richmond Centre - had a nugget combo at KFC. Not the most healthy choice, but it works... I also had to get a peach bubble tea at Tazza. Went to the library, where I discovered that the "Oliver" computer blocks LJ! Since I still had to check my friends list and such, I found another computer. At least I could check FB and play Wordscraper on "Oliver," haha. ("Nilsson" and "Barnes" also block LJ, so I suspect this is library-wide... and of course, all the proxy sites I could find are blocked, too!) Eric and I have official permission to invite ourselves over to Steph's place for the JACK BAUER finale, so YAY! Spoz told us about a Youtube video entitled "Smell Your Own Breath" - NICE!

Borrowed Russka: The Novel of Russia (Edward Rutherfurd), Seduced by Madness (Carol Pogash), While They Slept: An Inquiry into the Murder of a Family (Kathryn Harrison), and Sniper: The True Story of Anti-Abortion Killer James Kopp (Jon Wells) from the library. When I did get home (missing Auntie Teresa as I'd planned), Grandma had locked the second lock, and told me that she'd phoned my house to see where I was. I'd told her that I went to the library, and yes, they did have food. (that's the truth - they DO have vending machines) I told her that I was going to Fellowship tomorrow, and she thought I wouldn't be home at all... hahaha, no. Then she wondered whether "White Kid" (Eric) had to work - this is AFTER work! Oh man, at least this next week will be free of overbearing people who have no concept of personal space! She keeps invading mine to touch my shoulders when there's no need to do that as she reaches for the Kleenex box! UGH!

Edit at 1750: Or maybe not, as she just called the house to see if I was home yet. I understand that she doesn't want Grandma to be left alone for long, but seriously. Guess I could have gotten away with NOT answering the phone, as my parents also have Caller ID, and my grandma can't read the words on the display. Would have saved me about a minute of her talking at me... trust me, I would NOT have gotten home at an unreasonable hour! I just wanted to get away from a most ANNOYING woman!

You Are a Thumbs Up

You have an upbeat and positive attitude. You really see the beauty in life.

You'll say yes to any opportunity that seems even slightly interesting.

You are in love with the world, and you really savor an adventure.

You inspire others to be more fun-loving. Your happiness is unstoppable.

Ha. That's a bit TOO cheery for me sometimes, but I guess it works. :P

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