Dog death / Let's Go to the Mall / Colon / Chen's Noodle pictures
Candy says that her Rottweiler (Laxx) will have to be put down. The dog bit the German Shepherd's ear through - Isis, I think. Bad all around, especially if the Rottweiler was a rescue from friends that she's had for a few years now. But maybe it's a good idea if she and George are fed up with it!
Scotty Vanity's Let's Go to the Mall, via Corey. (I think this is HILARIOUS!) "Well, listen to that song, and you'll probably like it so much that you'll sing and dance along with it and forget everything else. It's pretty funny. Unfortunately, I've been to the mall they're in (Mall of America - there's a sign)... I know they were there a lot later than me, but it's still kind of scary. This guy has a bunch of videos, and they're all about the same level of crappiness. The mall's in Minneapolis, or the other one next to it, whatever that's called... Twin Cities area in Minnesota."
Poo nugget for Wednesday, August 5: Dr. Stool Says - When Bigger Isn't Better - A colon polyp is a benign collection of abnormal cells that can be detected and removed with colonoscopy. There are two main types of polyps: hyperplastic and adenomatous. Hyperplastic polyps are benign growths that, except in rare cases, do not turn into cancer. Adenomatous polyps are pre-cancerous and should always be removed. The general rule is that the larger the polyp, the more likely it is to turn into cancer.
Steph tagged me in two photos from yesterday's dinner at Chen's Noodle House... YES!
Typical sibling shot:

A more normal one, with a horrified-ish Grandma / Harmony / Jon / me:

Scotty Vanity's Let's Go to the Mall, via Corey. (I think this is HILARIOUS!) "Well, listen to that song, and you'll probably like it so much that you'll sing and dance along with it and forget everything else. It's pretty funny. Unfortunately, I've been to the mall they're in (Mall of America - there's a sign)... I know they were there a lot later than me, but it's still kind of scary. This guy has a bunch of videos, and they're all about the same level of crappiness. The mall's in Minneapolis, or the other one next to it, whatever that's called... Twin Cities area in Minnesota."
Poo nugget for Wednesday, August 5: Dr. Stool Says - When Bigger Isn't Better - A colon polyp is a benign collection of abnormal cells that can be detected and removed with colonoscopy. There are two main types of polyps: hyperplastic and adenomatous. Hyperplastic polyps are benign growths that, except in rare cases, do not turn into cancer. Adenomatous polyps are pre-cancerous and should always be removed. The general rule is that the larger the polyp, the more likely it is to turn into cancer.
Steph tagged me in two photos from yesterday's dinner at Chen's Noodle House... YES!
Typical sibling shot:

A more normal one, with a horrified-ish Grandma / Harmony / Jon / me:

Labels: 2009, candy, corey, death, dinners, george, grandma, harmony, jon, maxed-out tags limit, noodles, page-a-day, photos, poo, scott, steph, talia, videos, vivian s., youtube
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