Thursday, July 30, 2009

ZELDA characters and Caesar salad

Note: LJ Phantom of the Opera Cast Memegen, by Athena799.

This thing restarted overnight... I'm not surprised! Not sure why it seems cooler in here today when it's probably just as hot. A 1960 temperature record was broken yesterday, however!

Which Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker character are you? by seanaholic
Name :
Age :
You are...King Hyrule / King of Red Lions

You Are a Caesar Salad

You are very popular and easy to love. You strike a chord with people.

You are friendly and careful not to offend anyone. You try hard to get along.

And while you may avoid controversy, you are still very sincere. People love that about you.

You are dependable and steady. With you, what you see is what you get.

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