Thursday, June 04, 2009

Univalent bingo and wedding itineraries

Bingo of the night so far:

UNIVALENT (375 points) - against Angela V.

High-scoring words of the night so far:

UNIVALENT (375 points) - against Angela V. [bingo, two 5W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
RIMOUS (144 points; two 4W), TYEES (5W, 3L on Y, a good deficit-erasing word!) - against Justin E.
TUMBLERS (475 points) - against Sherisse G. [two 5W]
GUMWEED (383 points) - against Greg D. [two 5W]
ONLAYS (403 points; 2W, 4W, 5W), YERBAS (2W, 5W, hooks off COG and GO to make YO and EGO), DRAW (160 points; two 4W) - against Susan H.
POUTINE (327 points) - against Robyn B. [5W, 4W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}

Interesting rack of the night so far: FLATCLAW (against Dawn L. - read that as "flat claw")

Harmony forwarded us a wedding itinerary... I kinda thought some things would be on there, haha. Things are counting down, all right. It'll be good to see certain people, and it'll be the first wedding banquet in a while with dancing! Somebody named Ezra is on the list of helpers, heh. Then again, I had a rather visceral "EWWWW!" reaction upon seeing someone else's name on said list. Bleh!

Facebook quizzes taken from Jane, Jennifer J., Kaitlin, and Gabriel:

Leslie completed the quiz "What U.S. state do you belong in?" with the result South Carolina. Everything from your attire to your meal choices is refined and classy. Your ideal home has blue shutters, a white picket fence, and a quaint little garden of petunias. Your typical Sunday entails sitting on your porch with a good book, breathing in the beautiful fresh air, and sipping lemonade with your husband / wife... knowing your loyal labrador retriever is just a whistle away. You find beauty in the simple things and it doesn't take elaborate gestures and or expensive gifts to woo you, but rather, a poem or some picked flowers will make your heart melt. Family means the world to you, and once you find that special someone, you will have a love that will last a lifetime.

Leslie just compared their Last Name to hundreds of thousands in the database to see How Common Is Your Last Name? NG is the #1,168 most common last name in the United States! Your surname is in the top 11.8% most common! Your Last Name Evaluation Result is: Very Common. (Yeah, I figured as much...)

Leslie completed the quiz "What Wild Animal Are You?" with the result You are the Bear. You are fun, energetic, and love adventures. There is not a lot that you are not capable of doing. You love swimming and doing anything outdoors or with your family and friends. You like to be in beautiful places and don't mind getting dirty and running around in the mud. You don't have a style, and to you, fashion is frivolous and unneeded. You have many friends who are loyal to you and love you. You are very protective of your friends and your family. No one messes with you and, for the most part, you don't mess with anyone else. You are overall a very laid-back and fun person.

Leslie completed the quiz "What epic warrior do you unleash?" with the result Katsumoto. When you are a samurai, you are one with your sword, making you a lethal weapon with the passion and dedication to achieve perfection in anything you do, especially combat. When you're a samurai leader like Katsumoto, you're in a league of your own, respected as a god! And a god you are when you unleash the inner warrior, going through enemies like a thirsty blood-hungry blade!

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Totalitarian Dictator are you?" with the result Joseph Stalin. Pretty bad. Nasty as well... nice mustache, though.

Leslie took the How Tall are you going to be? quiz and got the result: 5'9".

Poo nugget for Thursday, June 4: Dr. Stool Says - Fiber Diet - There is an inverse relationship between the amount of fiber eaten and the rate of diverticulosis. Diverticulosis, or outpouchings in the colon, is quite rare in parts of the world where dietary fiber intake is high. (like Asia) The fiber intake gap between countries like the U.S. (where diverticulosis rates are high) and Asian countries is quite remarkable. Asian populations consume upward of forty-five grams of fiber a day, while the average American eats only ten grams.

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