Monday, June 08, 2009

Medium suitcases aren't necessarily magnetized!

Dad picked me up at 5:45, and we went to the townhouse. He almost immediately left again to go pick Grandma up from mah-jonng, leaving me to chat to my brother about various things. Jon was there to pack up various things for his honeymoon, and said that Harmony was at her parents' house sleeping. Seems they had a busy and tiring day yesterday, what with going to the hotel at 2 AM and getting picked up at 10 or 11, then unwrapping some wedding presents at the house from 5 till 1 AM. I read the newspaper and watched some baseball game - also said that I knew it was strange, knowing he had a wife now! Grandma got back and asked him where his wife was because she was supposed to eat dinner with us, haha. I think we both confused her because Harmony had been sleeping, but she'd eat dinner with us later. Sleeping and eating would NOT occur simultaneously, har har.

Uncle Joe offered to take the two of them to the airport tomorrow - they have to be there at 8 AM, since it's an international flight! Dad gave them advice regarding suitcase size / souvenirs and things like that, while Jon just wondered if Mom had any spare money belts. I bet they'll be packing like mad tonight when they get home! Steph told me that I should contact Chinese Eric - yeah, maybe when he gets back from the States and his grandma! Auntie and Uncle stopped by a bit later, and called Jon something in Chinese; Jon was confused, so I said that I thought they were referring to him. We went for dinner at Master Hong's BBQ House (across the street from Garden City Plaza) after picking up Harmony, and it was pretty good. Dad called her "Mrs. Ng" for the first time, hahaha. Discussed baking in Hong Kong (SO HOT!), an exclusive American country club-like establishment in Hong Kong, pecan pie as a main course at the Old Spaghetti Factory, Jemima, farting, Whistler, Hong Kong, their son Gordon's wedding in December, Colin Foo / Karen Lew / Isabel's funky wedding cards (yay for artsy people!), the money Jon and Harmony have received so far for the wedding, and family nicknames. ("it's strange calling her Leslie - I think of Lesley Chung instead!")

Steph told Harmony that her good school friends called me Sarne - it's true of Vivian, Jessica, Kate, Rachel, maybe her sister Lisa, and others. Then she figured that Harmony could call Dad "Blaard" and Mom "Molly," but I doubt she feels comfortable with that yet! I told Harmony that when Jon bugged her a lot, all she had to do was slap his butt, haha! We went for Timothy's frozen yogurt after dinner (duck / rice / strong tea / pepper beef / bitter melon rice / fish / veggies / soup / bean dessert / more), and I had a cherry-blueberry waffle cone! Steph told Harmony and Jon about how she'd measured Grandma's butt on Friday night - she'd not been very amused, haha. Apparently, they got six crystal dishes... Dad wants one for Edmond and Alysia's wedding in August, haha. Wished them both a good trip before Steph dropped me off at home - and I see Myles has wedding rehearsal pictures up, plus Grace has more wedding pictures. Perfect for my drafts... YAY!

Hilarious mishearing of the evening:

Dad: "I think you should have one medium-sized suitcase for each of you, because you'll be going from town to town, and not staying in hotels for a few days all the time."
Jon: "... what do you mean, magnetized?!"

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