Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey, redneck! PULL MY FINGER!

Hey, Tina tagged a picture of me at her baptism! I look bad in the picture, so won't be sharing it here. I'm with Ivan, Quan, Sam, Isabel, Jessica L., Julie, Amasiah, Emily L., Andrea L., Sarah C., Joey, Mike K., and a girl named Katie whom I don't know.

Leslie just took the Are You A Redneck Quiz and is Not A Redneck. I am Not A Redneck. You are not a redneck. This may come as good news to you unless, of course, you were hoping you were a redneck.

Facebook quiz taken from Julie:

Leslie took the What engagement ring style fits your personality? quiz and the result is One of a Kind. You are quite the individual! Good for you! You value tradition, but welcome change. You are intelligent, witty, sensitive, and have a diverse set of friends. You are as comfortable discussing politics as you are baking cookies. You have strong morals and principles, and are respected by others. You have a purpose, and it will be realized.

Poo nugget for Thursday, Apr. 16: Pull My Finger - The noises commonly associated with flatulence are caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter, and occasionally by the closed buttocks. The sound varies depending on the tightness of the sphincter muscle and velocity of the gas being propelled, as well as other factors such as water, body fat, and the anal embouchure. (I haven't heard the word "embouchure" since my Band 10 days! Ah, memories...)

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