Friday, April 24, 2009

Cloth or disposable diapers?

High-scoring words of the night:

CAPTIVE (824 points) - against Bryan K. [two 4W, 5L on C, 3L on V, hook off LA to make LAP]
HAZY (207 points) - against Sherry B. [two 3W]
ZIPS (116 points) - against Raymond C. [4W, hook off XI for a plural]
CONNED (100 points) - against Christina C. [2W, 5W]
TAX (166 points) - against Helga S. [2W, 5W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
ZEST (150 points) - against Candice N. [5W, hook off CABERNET for a plural]
AQUAVIT (168 points; 2W, 4W), YARROW (896 points; two 4W, two 2W) - against Charlotte T. {good deficit-erasing words!}
BROWN (236 points) - against Elaine D. [two 4W, hook off RAY to make BRAY] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
GIROS (319 points) - against Miranda C. [two 4W, hook off THESP for a plural]

Poo nugget for Friday, Apr. 24: Cloth or Disposable? - While many parents cringe at the thought of using cloth diapers (you have to wash them), there are two significant benefits. First, they are more eco-friendly... disposable diapers are the third-largest consumer component of landfills. Second, because cloth diapers are less absorbent, babies wearing them tend to sense wetness sooner and become potty-trained faster.

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