Friday, April 03, 2009

Beans and polio

High-scoring words of the night so far:

BEANS (144 points) - against Bo K. [two 4W, hook off POLIO to make BE / EL / AI / NO]
FESTAL (132 points) - against Kari-Lynne C. [4W, 3W]
RAISED (122 points) - against Jacquie C. [two 4W, hook off WART to make SWART]
JAILS (108 points) - against Alice P. [3W, 3L on J]
YAWNS (117 points; two 3W), DOJO (136 points; 4W, 3L on J) - against Greg B.

I told Vanessa H. that I could make it to her birthday thing at the pub, and she thinks that someone can drop me off at home later - AWESOME. Good thing they have food options in case I can get John and Ada to drop me off at the Steveston Hotel right after Awana! If not, I'd probably be having the food options anyhow - yay for dinner? Hahaha.

Facebook quizzes taken from Jemima:

Leslie completed the quiz "What do your eyes say?" with the result Deep Thinker. You think deeply about things going on in the present, past, and sometimes even future. You often drift off during work or class and start thinking about other things. You always hide what your thoughts form your friends and it often takes a poke or a snap of the fingers to bring you back to reality. Your eyes often portray a different personality than you are. Your eyes are a different part of your soul.

Leslie took the Are you a good friend? Do your friends like you? quiz and the result is you are a good friend! You are not a excellent friend, but a good one! (Just because I don't let people walk all over me, judging from these questions?! I say PHOOEY! :P)

Poo nugget for Friday, Apr. 3: Borborygmus - The onomatopoeic term refers to the rumbling sound coming from your belly as gas moves through the intestines. Better known as "stomach rumbling," borborygmi are often associated with hunger because they are caused by the migrating motor complex, a wavelike movement of contents down the GI tract that occurs only in the fasting state.

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