Saturday, August 02, 2008

BC Day Dinner with Harmony?! Oh my!

Steph's doing better with her arm, which is good! Flora added me on Facebook, so that was a good thing. (I'll add Josephine while I'm at it!) There was a major flood at the library due to a burst pipe - yikes! Jon sent us a Sunday Dinner email, but the only problem is that it needs a venue since Jeremy and Nathan can't offer their places this time round. Harmony will be at this BC Day-themed dinner, and there will be mead. Since I missed out on it the last time I heard about it at the Whip (due to transit considerations and scheduling), I'll see if I can make it!

That Greyhound murder story is morbidly fascinating. What makes someone do something like that? It's sick, granted - holding some random guy's head up like it's a trophy? Yikes!

This Monday, we're going to be celebrating BC Day in style with a BC-themed dinner. We'll be eating salmon, some seasonal veggies, and hopefully some BC cheese as well. What will make this dinner even more special will be the presence of........... mead!!! For those of you who don't know, mead is a fermented honey drink that is rather sweet and delicious. Mead's hard to find, but there's a few places on Vancouver Island that make mead. I'm really excited to be trying this! Oh yeah, Harmony's going to be there as well, which might also be a special nicety, but i think the mead is going to be even more exciting, haha.

(Harmony laughs as I type this)

One other thing: We badly need a venue as the usual suspects (Jeremy, Nathan) can't offer their places as venues. If you're able to offer your place for 10-12 people, please let Christon know ASAP! I'll be at a wedding from the afternoon onwards, so I won't be able to check my mail.

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