Sunday, February 11, 2007

We SHATTERED the SLB record: 35 steamers, anyone?

Hey, Blogger switched my site over to the new features... nice! Hope I don't experience any problems with this, as I've been seeing with others in forums and message boards.

We got through 35 steamers of SIU LONG BAO! I guess we either rock or are really disgusting: probably a bit of both! SO MUCH HAPPINESS! :D

Steph and I picked up Jon and Eric a little later than planned since our mom and grandma were holding us up - when Jon calls to see where we are, you KNOW that's bad! We reminisced about the "Jack Bauer!" thing last time, talked about the SLB anticipation, how a certain person should have been invited (but he says he doesn't like it!), how there's NO OTHER FOOD, and whether we'd break the record. When we got to Shanghai Wind, everyone else was already there... Tony prayed for us and blessed our stomachs - Nate said afterwards that Jon had a student to teach in the ways of weird prayers, haha. We had fried onion pancakes, some greens for balance, and our first SLBs with no problem! Talked about Lesley not believing that Danielle could eat 30 SLB by herself, and Daniel's thought that we were DISGUSTING - Nate should bring his brother along next time! Steph was amused at this morning's announcement that ALL church functions should end at 10:30 PM promptly - no doubt that's been unofficial for some time, but now the Deacon Board's made it official by announcing it to everyone! (Eric T. was waiting with the vacuum for some time on Friday!)

Fabian, Christon, Jeremy, Jon, Steph, Nathan, Eric, Tony, and I got through our first 10 steamers quite handily. Those of us who were there at the 21-steamer night remarked that it didn't FEEL like that much, but then we didn't order surfboard noodles / tan tan noodles / other stuff as "filler" tonight! Tony said that we should set a modest goal for ourselves, but 50 is NOT modest! We noted that the price had risen about a dollar since the last time we were there, and reminisced about Jeremy having to air out / Eddie's blasphemy / Angus, Ryan, and Margaret eating a LOT of those when the Denial faction was there a while ago. Margaret's skinny, but she can eat more than you'd think! Jon poured his tea into a bowl since he thought Steph was passing him a teacup, and plenty of wacky photos were taken. Yes, I'll post them here once they're uploaded and sent. Unfortunately, Jen didn't feel like going out with us! Christon ordered vegetables as "the green stuff," which caused Jeremy to turn to me and ask "Isn't ALL choy green?" (there wasn't anything to compare it to) Then the table next to us ordered SIU LONG BAO with STRAWS in them! Nathan hadn't seen anything like that since he was in Shanghai a few years ago, and then asked how much they were: about as much as one steamer of SLB, so about $4.25 or a bit more for one SLB with straw. Maybe we should explore that along with other menu options next time!

Someone mentioned that Phil said we should keep individual stats, so Tony started keeping scores in a mini-book. When the number got too huge, he got a piece of paper from one of the waitresses and transferred the scores to that. Steph tried taking a photo of the mini-book, but the picture didn't turn out. We joked that it was holy / blessed, and generally used bad theology to describe that phenomenon. Somewhere around the 20-steamer mark, Steph asked Jeremy what pants he was wearing. He didn't hear her, so I had to repeat it for him: my sister wasn't impressed when he said he was wearing Dockers, haha. Later, we all told Tony to GET ANOTHER JOB since he's so conflicted about Wal-Mart!

A bunch of us ate 24 SLB each, which we figured was the perfect number. Steph said that I was eating them like a marathon runner / sprinter, since I ate a whole steamer's worth in Round 4 or 5. (6 SLB) I once mistakenly told Tony that I'd eaten 3 in one round when Jeremy only saw me eat 2, so I told Jeremy that the SLB sodium and pork OD was getting to me: luckily, he understood JUST what I was talking about! It must have been getting to Tony as well, since he described 35 as an even number, haha. Someone brought up 24, and Christon said that he'd miss it tomorrow because of a birthday party. Our reaction: "You missed it last week, and now this week too? There will be another party NEXT year, haha!" Learned from Steph that the first four episodes were all on one tape, so at least Randal won't have to bother with the hassle of switching tapes if / when he gets them!

We took "after" pictures that consisted of us looking rather... satiated, to say the least! There are money pictures, weird videos, and more stuff. We paid according to how much we ate, and then someone brought up bubble tea / ice cream... is Nathan CRAZY?! Fruit WAS needed for balance, even if we won't be eating breakfast tomorrow morning! Let's just say we passed the point of gluttony a LONG time ago, especially if Tony had at least 33 SLB and three of us had 24 each! Oh man, 210 SLB... the Richmond Crew went home afterwards to just crash / do work. I think I'll just eat a lot of vegetables tomorrow, and get some fruit if I go over for TV at night! (these vitamins will certainly help, hehe)

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