Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sleep, picto-personality, and church

Note to self: Beer and not enough sleep make you tired as heck, so much so that you can't even get out of bed when your alarm goes off at 8:30 AM. Yes, this means I missed church again.. but at least soporific slumber is what my body needed. :P Although it is weird that I've missed church both times Melissa has been here of a Sunday... the last time was because of too much snow outside. (but I consented to a Daiso trip afterwards because it would be "safer"... go figure!)

The Picto-Personality Test

You are a person who is incredibly tranquil and values peace above all else.

When alone, you like to relax and do exactly what you feel like doing at the time.

You are adventurous, always up to do the most extreme things. You have a certain recklessness that makes people very attracted to you.

In the future, you will be happy and live richly.

Take this Test at

When alone, you like to relax and do exactly what you feel like doing at the time.

Damn right! This would be why my mom thinks I've lived on my own too long: "Whenever something inconveniences you, you don't like it. You should be more flexible! You can't always do what you want!" Says who? :P

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