Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conservatives / St. Louis beating Vancouver again! / Questions 3801-3850 of 5000 / Dragon Memegens

Well, the results are in: it's a Conservative government. Should be interesting, and that's all I'm saying about this election! :P

I can't believe that St. Louis beat the Canucks AGAIN (4-0) tonight! Yeah, they have to beat SOMEBODY even if they're the worst team in the league, but this is not what I (or any Canuck fan) wanted! o_O

I always get Sauron and Saruman of LOTR confused... I think it's because the names are so similar. This is what Corey had to say about it earlier: "the Ents ate a lot of Saruman's army at Helm's Deep, and they trashed whatever the area around Orthanc is called.. (Saruman's tower)

Sauron is the main bad guy, and he wasn't an eye :P the Eye of Sauron just means he can see pretty much anything he wants to. he doesn't have a body at the time, and is trying to get one back.. if he was able to be alive physically again, he'd be a whole lot more dangerous than just controlling orc armies and stuff...

the movies just took the "eye of Sauron" a bit literally so they'd have something to put on screen, and there's other Tolkien stuff from earlier from before Sauron was defeated, as shown at the start of the movies... you can get stuff about the other ages... LOTR was the third age... that and the Hobbit are all I've read, but there's other stuff out there, not really in full book form though"

Explanation for all the dragon Memegens seen below: I am a dragon! *evil laugh, breathing fire*

Note: LJ Check Mates / LJ Werewolf Pack / LJ LOTR Fellowship with me as Frodo Baggins Memegens. (by frippychick, Satyr69, and mithrandalf)

Note: LJ School / LJ Hmmm / Classic LJ Cliques blogquizzes. (by Rachel, domad, and Lea)

Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P

The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.

LOTR: The Two Towers

3801. Who is your favorite Lord of the Rings character and why? Frodo, because he's so darn honest and cute.

3802. In the Lord of the Rings, how do the characters go on when the forces against them are so powerful? They're strong and have a mission.

How can they go on when so many awful things have happened? Faith?

3803. What is it that makes Middle Earth worth saving? It's their homeland! (I think)

3804. Is Frodo making a personal sacrifice by taking the ring to be destroyed? I guess he's sacrificing his own time and well-being, given all the stuff that happens to him and his friends!

3805. What would you do in Frodo's place? I would keep the ring, I guess...

3806. When you saw The Two Towers, did you really want the Ents (Treebeard, etc.) to get involved in the war? I didn't see it... I read it. :P But not really... however, that is what happened!

3807. Why didn't Merry and Pippin just allow the Ents to take them home to the shire? I don't know.

What could two tiny hobbits do in a great war? They ended up doing a lot, I'd suppose.

3808. Why did the elves go to Helm's Deep? They had a dusty old alliance, but they could have escaped and made a new and better life, without risking their lives. I have no idea why they went.

3809. Who is the most heroic LOTR character and what makes them a hero? Frodo, for obvious reasons.

3810. What characters in LOTR put their own interests before the interests of all? Sam.

What characters put the interests of all above their own interests? Frodo.

3811. Aragorn left the elvish girl he loved. How could he leave someone he loved? Hope and destiny.

Isn't love the highest thing that there is? I suppose.

What could he possibly have valued higher than love that he left her for? Middle Earth.

Do you agree with him? No.

3812. What LOTR character displays the most humanity? Legolas.

3813. What did you notice that was different between the Two Towers book and movie? I didn't watch the movie.

3814. Why is Frodo so kind to Gollum? I don't know... I probably wouldn't be half so kind even if Gollum WAS leading me to where I needed to go!

3815. You are in Helm's Deep on the eve of battle. Do you put on a suit of armor and fight, or crawl into the caves and hope to be protected? Crawl into the caves.

3816. What have you risked your life for? ... nothing, probably.

What would you risk it for? People who I love.

3817. With the constant threat of violence / war / nukes / terror / chemical weapons / other such things, aren't we all in a similar position to those in the Lord of the Rings? I guess...

3818. How can we go on when the evil in this world is so powerful? No idea.

How can we go on when so many awful things have happened? We just can, I suppose.

3819. What is it that makes our Earth worth saving? Our lives, heh.

3820. Whose responsibility is it to save our world? Everyone's.

3821. Who was more technologically advanced in LOTR, the "good guys" or the "bad guys"? The bad guys.

3821. What was Tolkien saying by causing the Ents (trees) to come together with the river (by breaking the dam) and overthrow Saruman? I don't know.

3822. Should Wormtongue have been killed? Possibly.

Should Gollum? Sure!

Why or why not? Because he was a threat to Frodo and everyone else.

3823. In the battle for Middle Earth, which LOTR character would you most hope to be like, and why? No idea.

3824. Which character do you think you actually WOULD be the most like? Merry?

3825. What is the overall ___ that you took away with you from this movie? I didn't see the movie!

lesson or message?


**End LOTR** Good, I am tired of answering LOTR questions!

3826. Why do most people associate being spiritual or connected to the world as being a hippy? Because of the 60s movement, I guess.

3827. Why is passion and honest emotion equated with Hallmark cards? Haha, I have NO idea!

3828. What words set off alarms in your brain (for me, it's anarchy / pagan / other such stuff)? .... "Polyamory / polygamy," "same-sex marriage," "hate," etc.

3829. Are you dancing in the dark? No.

3830. Name 2 things you have never done in public: Drive a car, and drink whiskey.

3831. If you had to choose out of what you just named, which one WOULD you do in public? Drink whiskey... I have too much road rage to EVER drive a car, haha!

3832. Challenge yourself. Do whatever it is in public.

Why not? No restaurant I go to serves whiskey.
What are you so terrified of? Nothing, except possibly not handling it well.

3832. Is hell REALLY other people? Sure, why not.

3833. Or would it be more hellish to live totally without other people? That would possibly be fine with me, heh.

3834. Legos or Lincoln Logs? Legos.

3835. What books have you read more than once? Too many to list.

3836. Do you get different things out of reading a book a second time, or more after reading it the first time? A second time.

Is it because you are a different person after time passes? No, it's because you may have missed some parts the first time.

3837. The person who goes to ____ is not the same person who comes back. Fill in the blank with anything you think fits: a far-off country.

3838. Quick! Empty your brain here! *empties brain* Okay, now what?

3839. What's the best movie soundtrack? No clue.

3840. Tissues with or without aloe? With.

3841. Are you on any medication? No.

3842. Does any part of your own body disgust you? Yeah.

If yes, isn't that odd? What could have caused that feeling of disgust with your own body? Gee, I really wonder why...

3843. Want some popcorn? Sure, why not.

3844. What if Atlas shrugged? The whole earth would then not be balanced.

3845. Who has led the most interesting life? I don't know.

3846. What movies are coming out next year that you are looking forward to? No idea!

3847. If someone is half-man and half-dog, is he his own best friend? Sure!

3848. Paper or plastic? Plastic, please.

3849. Why did things make sense in childhood, but they don't now? Because you know the truth.

3850. Is it crazy time? Sure, it's always that time around here! Just ask Eric M. ;)

Band you should check out.... by SexAddict
Quiz created with MemeGen!

If You Were A Dragon by darkforce
AbilitiesFire Breathing
StrengthVery Strong
SpikesYes - Long
Social StatusVery Social
Quiz created with MemeGen!

If You Were a Dragon...
by ciambawildcat
Human Name:
Dragon Name and Title:Sjir the Scroll-keeper
Dragon Size and Color:Gargantuan Black
Dragon Deity and Allignment:Chronepsis - Neutral
Dragon Age:570
Dragon Hoard:$558,035,677
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What is your dragon?? by LadyOfFate
your name
possible dragon's name
color of dragon
number of dragons?
how many dragons you get1
dragon's nameShadow
color of dragonyellow
dragon powersnightmares
dragon's personalityinsane
dragon genderfemale
how you got the dragonyou found it
will the dragon stay true to youyes
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What is your dragon like? by Charizard2000
Your name:
Color:Dark blue with yellow eyes
Gender:Unknown (Your dragon either won't or can't tell, heh.)
Abilities / Weapons:Teeth, claws, and brute strength!
You two are seen as:Criminals.
Personality:Kind and playful.
Quote:"Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the sun."
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Inner Dragon by auroralockwood
Breath WeaponImplosion Burst
WeaknessNo wings / flying ability
TerritorySwamp / Bogs
Secret DesireSewage
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Inner Dragon
by Cris-rei
Your dragon elementWind
Your colorGreen
Breath weaponFire
Size (in feet)65,612
Quiz created with MemeGen!

you...THE DRAGON... by dragonis90
Your name...
Clan type...Elder
Your Age...112
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Oooh, neato!

What Would you look like as a dragon? by Ekisaito Saiko
Favorite Color
Skin ColorSilver
Eye ColorBlack
Special powerTelepathy
Favorite FoodWomen
Who will slay you?No one... you eat them all
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Yay, I'm invincible! :D

What Type of Dragon are you?
by Kaiyuga
Special power is:Puff pink bubbles
Personality and Horns:ruthless (a headdress of pointy horns, of which two are prominent)
Wings (color and type):Green bat wings
Your battle cry is:A deep roar from within the chest
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Dragon Type
by fraudulent
KarmaNaturally Good
Scale ColorBronze
Guardian of theSapphire
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Type Of Harry Potter Dragon Are You? by Blue_Eyed_Snidget
First Name
Hogwarts House
Dragon TypeRomanian Longhorn
Your Danger Level (1=Lowest 10=Highest)7
Your Mate Is AUkrainian Ironbelly
How Many Eggs Do You Have?6
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Are you a werewolf, vampire, or dragon? by Lady_Onyx
Choose your name
When you turned..May 22, 2032
Where it happened...a funeral
How long it lasted __ Minutes..19
How many victims..1,733
Last thing you thought before the change..."How do I put these pants on?"
Your new Form...a gorgeous vampire with looks that CAN kill
Quiz created with MemeGen!

your dragon spirit by psycho_fox
your name
your dragon nameTendie
breath elementThundara
color and sizeBlack, Huge
people you have killed208,593,575
how you kill themeat them at your horde
your dragons culturehahaha! no matter how many times you take this meme, you will always get this answer!!!!! ahahahahaha!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Black and Huge, eh? Reminds me of the GWAR song... ;)

What dragon sleeps in your soul? by harmful design
Favorite sport:
Dragon:You have a silver dragon. The rarest dragon, you are noble and avoid people as much as possible.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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