Tuesday, May 03, 2005

How do you play board games at a Bread Garden?! / King Missile on radio

This morning, Dave wondered what I was doing up so early. I had to say goodbye to Aunt Janis, for one thing. For another, I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. We both wondered how you could play board games at a Bread Garden: studying, yes; board games, no. Of course I'll blog about it so he can read later. ;)

I'm nervous, but we'll see how things go if I'm still awake. :P At least I did my laundry, so my sheets and such are clean again!

I also heard King Missile's Detachable Penis on the radio earlier. Wish I could tell Corey, but the earliest I'd get to do that would be Friday or Saturday, with our schedules! (he has a Denver Nine Inch Nails concert tomorrow or the next night, and I have people to see and things to do... good thing it's not the reverse, haha!)

Note: LJ Horror Movie where I'm the target Memegen, by shard_of_truth.

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