Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Corey's GWAR pictures, live webcam stuff

Corey seemed insistent on sending me his GWAR pictures..
even though I saw it live over webcam after the concert..
I couldn't say no, and didn't want to.. Photobucketed them this morning, even if they are terrible ;)
took Steph out for lunch today at BP.. she can wait for me!
that's the only thing I'll buy for her this summer..
she still owes me the price of a bubble tea, of course..
and of course NOW is when I remember.. maybe the weekend..
parents will be away for a bit, then back for two days..
Citrus thinks we'll have a huge party.. not enough room!
but that would be heaps of fun if it could happen.. ;)

at least I got a lot of sleep after waking up at 6:45..
still a little tired, but I did realize something..
they probably used the extra day to drive back home..
no need yet to ask Adam about accidents involving locals..
although I haven't talked to him in a while, he's busy..
I'd like to catch up on my friends' lives occasionally!

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