Saturday, April 24, 2004

Why the hell are my parents at the library?! / Pointless Quiz

while I was at the library earlier, I saw my parents.. holy crap!
borrowed books on old Peanuts comics, and crimes of passion..
went to Awana, where Hannah and Julie seemed very interested in my keys / keychain..
Dave wanted me to let Jon know that he wished him a safe trip to Ireland if he couldn't talk to him later on..
thanks to Carson and Chrystal, I got rid of my old keychain..
the new one has a mini-dragon with some Chinese characters..
(kids have smaller fingers, and it wasn't killing him.. I let him keep the old one with my name all smudged out, even..)
I called Jon, who said that we wouldn't see him tomorrow..
now we all have to wait two weeks for that to happen again..
all in all, it wasn't TOO bad an afternoon for my headspace..
any Saturday night hijinks will begin right now, if I let them ;)

You are a tiny purple fishy. You like to run and laugh on people's fingers. Run, laugh, run, laugh.

Very Pointless Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

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