Tuesday, March 30, 2004

LJ cull / More Quizzes

I'm doing a friends cull on my LJ today coz it's time..
there WILL be some exceptions to the cut, of course..
even if these people don't comment, they're still in:
welfy, Jim, his sister, my sister, Snoopy, MB people..
(people with friends-only journals and partners count, too)
I'd never delete Jim, Sam, Stephen, or certain others ;)
Jim made me quasi-melt just now: "my darling," indeed..
so I'm a sucker for that kind of thing these days..
at least I know he means it in a friendly way and nothing else!
Stephen says he'll miss me when I'm not around to talk to..
well, I'll miss him too.. right now, I really need Corey.
guess I'll have to turn on ICQ and talk to him there for now..

Goth -- You're a true goth... although you probably don't believe you are, haha! You laugh at the "posers" and try to educate them... or not. Maybe they're a lost cause..

+~a StErEoTyPe qUiZ~+
brought to you by Quizilla

Peanut Butter And Butter Sandwich

The Dumbest Quiz EVER!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

A ninja is SORTA YOU!
You may have been a ninja in your past life, or you just want to learn to be one, perhaps secretly. The modern world has consumed you, and you have let go of the old ways. Maybe for better or for worse.

Is a ninja YOU? Quiz
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You love marshmallows. You would probably die without them.

... Marshmallow? (first quiz...)
brought to you by Quizilla

You seem to be more of a punk person. You're wild and crazy and on the edge!

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You are sleepy and unmotivated!
You're LAZY!

Personality Quiz
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Well, I'm not arguing with that! :P

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