Today's happenings, so far..
heard from Jon that Eric H. became a Christian on Friday..
talked to Denise about Jim's reaction to my parcel..
she is SO amazed, and wonders how I do it..
remembering other people, and thinking of them well..
I think it's a gift that I have, and she agrees..
definitely have a giving spirit in my bones..
the people I love will know this very well for themselves! ;)
Dawn got invited to Gotham's tomorrow night, but I didn't..
I'll blame it on Jon, who thinks I don't have any money..
a bunch of us went for lunch at Pho after church..
Jon, Brian, Sean, Adela, Citrus, Danielle, Nathan, and me..
talked about Sean's stories.. ("did you LOSE it with her?")
his not being innocent, but really perverted instead..
Brian's ability to keep a straight face.. (desensitization)
onomatopoeia of the dentist office with drills and stuff..
Sean and Citrus supposedly being a gay couple..
Adela and Danielle's "jealousy issues" over that..
Davie Street, the Anglican church, taking out wisdom teeth..
Brian being born without any roots for said teeth..
definitely good times with friends, indeed..
we had another meeting, which actually let out at 4..
a certain person is so poisonous and angry herself..
at least allow for discussion, and not chalk it up to anger..
I can't write anymore about this, but have ideas..
maybe I'll have a poem here in a bit, who knows?
right now, it's over and out.. I'll be back for sure!
See what Care Bear you are.
See what Care Bear you are.
(I got a tie on that quiz)
and on a related note..

Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
talked to Denise about Jim's reaction to my parcel..
she is SO amazed, and wonders how I do it..
remembering other people, and thinking of them well..
I think it's a gift that I have, and she agrees..
definitely have a giving spirit in my bones..
the people I love will know this very well for themselves! ;)
Dawn got invited to Gotham's tomorrow night, but I didn't..
I'll blame it on Jon, who thinks I don't have any money..
a bunch of us went for lunch at Pho after church..
Jon, Brian, Sean, Adela, Citrus, Danielle, Nathan, and me..
talked about Sean's stories.. ("did you LOSE it with her?")
his not being innocent, but really perverted instead..
Brian's ability to keep a straight face.. (desensitization)
onomatopoeia of the dentist office with drills and stuff..
Sean and Citrus supposedly being a gay couple..
Adela and Danielle's "jealousy issues" over that..
Davie Street, the Anglican church, taking out wisdom teeth..
Brian being born without any roots for said teeth..
definitely good times with friends, indeed..
we had another meeting, which actually let out at 4..
a certain person is so poisonous and angry herself..
at least allow for discussion, and not chalk it up to anger..
I can't write anymore about this, but have ideas..
maybe I'll have a poem here in a bit, who knows?
right now, it's over and out.. I'll be back for sure!

(I got a tie on that quiz)
and on a related note..

Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: brian, church, citrus, danielle, dawn, denise, eric h., gay, jim, jon, mail, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, mom, nathan, pho, quizilla, quizzes, sean c., sex
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