Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Visiting Linda.. no regrets!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY.. I hope you have a good one today! :) It was cool teaching you English.. I wish your phone numbers still worked, so I could call you. Too bad about all your stuff.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MINLI.. I hope you have a terrific one today! :) I hope your number still works when I call you later on.. it's been great knowing you, even though we haven't seen you at church in a long time. (haven't seen you since Frances' wedding)

I spent four hours at the hospital, and may be back..
at least I won't have THAT regret upon my soul..
there were other people visiting, and I know some of them..
but even if I didn't, I'd still have care and concern..
those things are evident in me and the church community..
never really meant to spend that long in there..
still, at least it's across the street and not across town!

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