Saturday, November 08, 2003

Tim Horton's and Cheap Dawg

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VANESSA.. I hope you have an awesome one today! :) It's been great knowing you all these years.

had a great time tonight, as per the usual..
Citrus said that Vivian tried giving up chocolate..
it's less expensive after Halloween, but it didn't work..
Alan was telling EVERYONE (like Dianne) about the Matrix..
even Brian got tired of it and told him to shut up..
Eric offered me Tim Horton's, but I declined..
(I'll sure miss having him around when he's gone..)
when Jon mentioned eating to Danielle, her eyes just lit up..
I talked to Chrystal, and felt a need to be near the guys..
(or maybe just Eric in particular, hahahaha)

I went to Daimasu with the usual bunch of people..
we were one loud table, and discussed a LOT of things..
online tests (which Danielle loves), breakups, support..
sports and / or videogames, baptism service, life, work,,
murder mystery dinners, Sean's nocturnal schedule..
(he wakes his grandma up at 3 AM to cook noodles for him!)
certain acquaintances, penetrating Sean's shield, the Matrix..
watching My Sassy Girl at Nathan's next Saturday night..
(Hon and Erin both have copies of it.. she bought it online)
plans, hockey, billiards, David and Jon's "cheap dawg" thing..
"shizzle my nizzle," Ebonics, waitress hair, Homestar Runner..
Jon needing to get me a birthday present.. ("too busy")
plus a whole bunch of other stuff as well.. wooyeah!

that was definitely a fun night out with friends..
now, to see if I can get some sleep..
I have a ride tomorrow again.. that's a bonus! :)

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