Saturday, July 12, 2003

I'm irate now!

my feeling of disquiet has gone..
only to be replaced by irateness..
and THIS is what's set it off..
(or rather, KellyM and her posts..)

don't you DARE tell people that the whole world would be better off without them!
I'm NOT going to apologize for it, because I'm especially sensitive to that.. but I WILL defend people who I think are being put upon needlessly by people who think everyone should understand their particular situation in life without being told..
NOBODY should have to put up with being told those extremely damaging things! (or be told them at all, really)

if there's an unexpected degree of viciousness here..
TOO DAMN BAD.. you're going to have to live with it..
I *could* swear, but won't.. my rage is as FIRE..
and this time, I'm not kidding.. so BEWARE..

eh, that's enough incendiary rambling from me..
I think I'm going to spin Everclear now..
and then maybe go to bed at a reasonable hour..

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