Friday, April 18, 2003

Adam has brain issues... or whatever

darn these people that buzz me late at night on IM programs!
I wanted to get to sleep like half an hour ago, but NO..
it wasn't to be.. oh well, I like this particular person fine..
it's just.. AIYAAAAAAAAAA...

I think I'm lucky it's a long weekend coming up (like it makes any difference to me)..
maybe then, my sleep cycle will right itself?!? who knows..

although, I do think this person (Adam) has brain issues / braindamage going on.. ;)
what other conclusion am I forced to come to?

consider the evidence:

1. he tried making up a very corny joke about "I don't want to chew my tongue up when I sleep tonight.. though that could be especially hard when you sleep lying" (no, I didn't get it either till he explained it had something to do with sleeping lying down, and lying = speaking with a forked tongue)

2. his first version of a nickname for me was "my little kippered snicksnack" (apparently, some nickname his dad's girlfriend used to have; he doesn't know what it means himself, but likes the rhythm if you say it right.. somehow, I'm dubious about that)

3. his second version of a nickname for me was "little bear" (that makes me sound like a Native Indian.. while I have great respect for the Native Indians and their culture, I certainly don't want to misrepresent myself as one of them since I'm really not.. I'm actually Chinese, and he knows it full well, too :P)

4. he tried to call me a Nazi (I'd mentioned being called "a double-post Nazi" earlier in the month. but don't you DARE call me that! in fact.. nobody's allowed to call me "double-post Nazi," "hamsterette," or certain other nicknames; however, if you're the originator of those nicknames, feel free to do so.. it doesn't matter to me then :D)

there ya go... that definitely proves my point up above about his brain, all right.. :P

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