Saturday, March 22, 2003

Pepsi Blue and one more take on the whole thing...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. SARAH.. it's been great getting to know you, and I hope you have a great day! :)

The speaker tonight was quite good, and the extended time we had afterwards to just hang out and eat was terrific. Talked to a lot of people, found out a couple of birthdays, and went to Daimasu afterwards. Had a great time with friends. Combining Ruby Red Grapefruit and Pepsi Blue will ideally result in a purplish drink.. and this was my idea, not my brother's. :P

If Kempy is reading this.. email me or something. I want to say something nice to you, but don't have any ways in which to do so. (besides putting it here.. I'm not even sure you read this regularly..) (and if anyone that knows him is reading this, tell him the same from me, okay? thanks!)

Here's one more take on the whole thing now.. even after I said I officially was done with it. Had more stuff to say, I guess.. :P

My initial reaction was a frozen shocked paralysis;
With anger, hurt, and sadness coursing through my veins.
Trying to pretend it didn't have any effect on me
(though some of you do know differently)

I attempted to explain my take on it,
Got an email autoreply spit back at me for my trouble
(indicating he had deleted it sight unseen)
Despair and more hurt are my lot STILL...

Read what he had to say about it somewhere,
Still don't know how / what to feel or do...
Diversion with friends is good.. gimme lots of it!
Meanwhile, 'tis time to invoke Big Sugar.. and contain feelings.

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