Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Convention, Eleanor d'Aquitaine, and nail polish

Spent a long time last night talking to Teunis about his phone, convention, Queen Elizabeth I, being unconventional in dress, the First Nations people, Japanese manners, Eleanor d'Aquitaine, poly / fetish people, cleavage / nudity, odd costumes, the club Sin City (which Cody told me about a long time ago), cancer, and more. Now he's put on the soundtrack to PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT... hmm.

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You're the type of person who's always been happy with who you are. You feel both intensely alive and totally at peace.

You are a study in contradictions. At times you're stubborn, but you're also willing to roll with the punches.

People gravitate toward you. You are bold and self-assured, but you are also totally unpretentious.

You are a joy and blessing to be around. People love you for being you!

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