Thursday, August 06, 2009

Andrea finally called! / I'm only half-Asian?! / Chamber pots

Andrea called me back at 9:45 PM, which is what I had been waiting for. I even passed up Nathan's farewell townhouse dinner to do so, which is fine by me. Discussed bad reception, her car situation, calling early or later tomorrow, Chuck's mom, Hamilton, Steph being in Toronto for a wedding, reconnecting with high school friends, chatting, pregnancy, Richmond, running errands, and more. Also made plans with Jasmine to meet at a White Spot on the 25th, since my Grandma duties should be over by then!

Facebook quizzes taken from Adam and Darren:

Leslie took the How Asian are you? quiz and got the result: You are 50% Asian. You have nice long hair. (So what's the other half? :P)

Leslie took the What Chinese Symbol Are You? quiz and got the result: De - virtue, moral. De means virtue, moral, heart, mind, kindness, etc. It is also used in the name for Germany, i.e., De Guo.

Poo nugget for Thursday, August 6: Doo You Know? - Chamber Pots - A chamber pot consists of a bowl-shaped container with a handle, usually kept under a bed. Chamber pots remained in common use until the nineteenth century, when the introduction of indoor flush toilets started to replace them. Chamber pots are still in use today, in areas lacking indoor plumbing. (such as rural parts of China) They have also been redesigned as a bedpan for use by the very ill.

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