Thursday, February 05, 2009

What is with the blood games spike?!

High-scoring words of the evening so far:

DOERS (106 points) - against Reta H.-B. [3W, 5W]
AECIA (120 points) - against Pete M. [3W, 5W]
JAY (159 points) - against Kimberly W. [5L on J and Y, hook off FOYER to make JO / AY / YE]
WAFERY (450 points; two 5W), MOST (210 points; two 5W) - against Andrew T.
MANTRAPS (107 points) - against Sean C. [3W]
ZOEAE (320 points) - against Margaret Y. [5W, two 4W]

Why do I have all these people adding / inviting me for the blood games NOW in a spike?! Jessica G., Harry H., Dominic W. (who apparently prefers to go by Pierogi), Scott F., Clint G., and Prem A. have all done so recently. Interesting, but I'm done with those for now! Also added Janelle I. for Wordscraper purposes, haha. Talked to Eric H. for a while, and then got an idea for something to send him - if he's a MODEL employee and dedicated, he might well stay in Hong Kong for another year or so! I joked that he was married to his job, and he said that it was too bad SHE wasn't pretty - hey, the job is not a woman, that's for sure! Corey's said "LA DE DA MISS FANCYPANTS" to me twice in two nights now, so I'm going to bug him about it, heh.

Also had to practice my small talk with Veronica earlier. I remember the cat - yay for relaxing couch time, haha. Confirmed with Eric that the Committee meeting is this Saturday (of course I'll call him tomorrow), then informed Henry of this development. Now I'm just remembering the time I used Vista from Christon's computer in October 2007... Jeremy was right that I was now the most knowledgeable person since I had the Internet from the computer, haha!

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