Saturday, May 03, 2008

I don't think the Booty Logo is appropriate for little kids!

Bingos of the night:

GREENLET (70 points) - against Danny M.
URIDINES (70 points) - against Rose G.

Had to borrow money from Chrystal to subsidize my Pho dinner - AIYA! After I talked to her, I discussed the Trout Lake barbecue with Christon... the rainy weather could be a factor in the turnout, for sure. Talked to Raymond about Scrabble, to Dylan and Johnny about their new jobs and the commute, and joked with Jeremy / Calla / others about Korean girls and how they don't want to date firstborn sons. (these sons will eventually have to take care of their mothers, hahaha)

Noticed someone was quite quiet, but I figured something had happened to him which he didn't want to talk about. (jfkl;jsdlk;f;sidf;;sdoiuwoieru) Dylan reminded us verbally about next Monday's committee meeting, heh. Saw Mike, Stanley, Chris (got back Wednesday!) and THE HAIR, Ivan, Sam, Lucas, and others. Discussed Oscar's Café, Calla being okay to drive, Chrystal getting home, actions speaking way louder than words, doing Fellowship stuff at work, Stanley's Tostitos, Teresa's questions about the new church building, being fashionably late, Jeremy leaving early, and more.

I remembered meeting Ryan and Alison at Sui Sha Ya - the Booty Logo would NOT have been appropriate for their son! Steph said she had to find the April-May-June birthday cards, and said that a sense of propriety didn't stop me from drawing the Booty Logo at Montana's last September! Then we reminisced about the first time I ever drew the Booty Logo - Dawn's brother Geoffrey was 10 or younger when that happened! Jon called to say that he was in the White Spot on Lougheed after the BBQ: we guess it got dark! (23 or 24 people did turn out for it)

Steph remarked that Vivian S. visited last week when she was sick, and we discussed family memories in general revolving around Dawn suddenly waking up in our house when her baby brother came into the world. (he's TALL now!) Also talked about hockey playoff stats, basketball, phone calls, Eric's Redmond interview next Friday (hint / clue!), interview questions, turning weaknesses into strengths, recruiters, Human Resources, amusing ourselves, bugging your friends' younger siblings by putting on lame accents ("Hey, Jess... HOW'S IT GOING?!"), and more. Good times!

For those of you wondering why this post is timestamped at 4:01 AM, I did go to bed before midnight. I woke up because of a combination of a disturbing dream involving the bathroom tradition (don't ask - you DO NOT want to know!), and not being able to sleep. Man, I should have had minty help... and why do I have a Christmas song in my head now?! (DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR?)

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