Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dream: Orange ice cream, mint ice cream, eggs, and gold!

The help is kinda working... oh yes. However, it does leave me with a somewhat lethargic feeling: weird, but maybe that's how it affects me. I also had an interesting dream, sorta-kinda... I'll post it here before I take out my laundry from the dryer! Also, my computer is bugging me for a restart!

* some friends and I were in a HUGE warehouse store, which was kinda like Costco - lots of big piles for customers to choose from

* we saw a big section devoted to orange ice cream, and another one at the other end devoted to mint chocolate chip ice cream - they stayed cold even if they weren't in a freezer!

* my mother was overseeing the carts, and told us that they'd cost 45 cents each to rent - it wasn't a dollar like other stores, but neither was it 25 cents... we took a bunch of them to shop with

* Sam (p1r4t3_k1ng) was following us around and writing things down in order to post them online later: he asked us for our impressions, which we duly gave him

* we had a LOT of stuff in our carts by the time we decided to leave: ice cream, dolls, electronics, books, stationery, other miscellaneous stuff...

* when we left, we went to the church... we saw a black car parked out front that had SOMETHING done to its wheels (the second half was off the ground just slightly)

* we wanted to see what was wrong with it, but narrowly dodged eggs aimed at the car from somewhere

* as far as we were concerned, that was the last straw - we went to a Chinese restaurant (complete with gold dragon) to meet Chung, Karen Kwan, and others for tea (we knew the other members of our party were there if those two were waiting for us!)

* the dream ended with us watching hockey at the restaurant, of all things!

No clue what (if anything) it's supposed to mean, but meh. Jon's emailed me to see if I'm going for dinner tonight. Nope, since I've spent a bit too much time with others this week and need my downtime... especially before the cruise! Note to self: Ask someone about souvenirs, haha.

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