Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Now I finally get to see what Grandma's been talking about for two weeks! (presents)

Note: I was going to post this way earlier, but got sick and couldn't continue. That's why the timestamp on this one. =/

Now I'm kinda hungry, so I'll have some Greek leftovers. Hey, Rachel thanked me for the "Merry Christmas" language link... way cool. I'll see her on New Years when she and Steph cook dinner for our families!

I'll definitely have a more comprehensive "Christmas 2006 gifts" post once I get everything from holiday_wishes that I'm expecting! I do have a "Christmas 2006 giving" draft which I could post right now, but maybe I'll do that in the next few days.

Might as well open my Christmas stuff now... Randal's card has colorful ornaments on it ("to my colorful friend"?!), and apparently he likes it when I "brighten up the Fellowship." Ha, I must do that without thinking! Well, as far as remembering birthdays and wearing a Santa hat goes... maybe my crazy sense of humor counts, too. No clue, but what he said is cool enough. Denise, Brian, and Julie M.'s card has fuzzy mittens with snowflakes and tiny bells on them: cute!

Grandma doesn't understand the concept that gifts are supposed to be somewhat secret, so I got my family gifts a couple days early. Solution for Mom: don't take her along next year, haha. Well, maybe not... As I predicted, I didn't have time to open them till today. She's telling me about this hat and these mittens she got for me, and this book my sister's been looking for! Oh well...

This is what I got in this small batch, however...

Grandma: light blue mittens with snowflakes on them, and a dark blue hat with "Angel" on it in pink writing from Ardène (that needs to be handwashed, but I hope I can get away with cleaning it in the washing machine... I better wear it, too!)

Parents: fringed teddy bear scarf, mug with cats on it, green dragon pin, beaded change purse with a red dragon on it, a black beret, a small keychain accessory bead with a yellow dragon on it, some seaweed

Harmony: The Man Who Scared a Shark to Death and Other True Tales of Drunken Debauchery (Noel Boivie and Christopher Lombardo) and Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?: And 114 Other Questions from the Popular 'Last Word' Column (Mick O'Hare) [I don't think I want to know what my brother's been telling her...]

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