Monday, July 03, 2006

Spending time pre-Singapore and pre-Israel at Pearl Castle with Vivian S. and Terrence

Steph and I kept in phone contact tonight: Terrence's flight landed at around 10:30, and he called her when he got his luggage. Since I was up for bubble tea, Steph and Vivian picked me up at around 11. We discussed embarrassing things that Vivian did to her sister: when she's driving, she'll open up Jessica's window from her side, turn up the opera, and sing as loud as possible when next to other motorists with their windows open. Apparently, her sister turns really red and tries to hide! That reminds me of what Steph used to do to me while driving: she'd blast Celine Dion and sing loudly through open windows, and then yell "I LOVE MY SISTER!" at stoplights and where people were waiting for crosswalks and buses. Then she'd try to convince me that people couldn't really hear what she said because of the Doppler effect... riiiight.

We picked up Terrence and told him that Jon actually didn't want to go for bubble tea, which is surprising. Steph said that she wanted to save Jon SOME bus time, so she called him and offered Dad's services as a chauffeur... Dad didn't wait to hear her question, but said NO. I guess he's irritated that Jon's out all the time, heh. Jon DOES have some two-week intense course at Regent starting tomorrow, so maybe that's why.. who knows? (he certainly doesn't have any issues with being out a LOT!)

We went to Pearl Castle and were rather persistent in getting an empty table for four, since we went back inside after checking out some other shady-ish bubble tea place called Three-Thirty. ("hey, we can SEE that you have an empty table RIGHT THERE... we're not waiting outside with everyone else in case we get gypped!") Vivian told us about her allergies and this special diet she's on: she told her doctor that she'd TRY to stick to it in Israel for the next two weeks. In reality, she'll just eat whatever the people there give her if they're paying for it! Her dad got mad at her for wanting to be at the airport tomorrow morning at 6:45 instead of an earlier time, too. =/

Then she told us about the Dead Sea and the HIGH SALT CONTENT not being good for your "special places"... mud and Saran Wrap ahoy! She'll go in, but not without protection! (she even accidentally overheard her brother discussing it with their dad, oops!) We discussed ice flakes, coffee bubble tea, chicken knees, my hyper ways, the one-litre bubble tea place, and various interesting things on the menu: "Job's tears" (they were out of that, so Terrence couldn't see what it was), "botany chicken hot pot," drinks called "little lover" / "white lover" / "intimate love" / "data longan tea" / "early grey tea," and other such slip-ups.

We returned to our favorite discussion topic: POOP AND FARTING! I told them about the poop chart, Terrence told us about an embarrassing exam time, and we all had laughs over it. Then we moved on to dropping your phone in the toilet at 4:30 AM / in the sink whilst doing dishes... Terrence's picture on his phone is of a bar of soap, since you have lots of bathroom time while doing certain things. ;)

Steph said they might go to Feenie's for dinner tomorrow: not quite as BLING as Lumière, but still kinda expensive. Then Terrence suggested sushi: that sounded good to Steph! They'll go strawberry-picking in the morning before it gets too hot, and then have lunch at home and (hopefully) call me as I directed them to. Terrence wants to go to Superstore / Wal-Mart to load up on gum (which Steph misheard as "Dove") and Febreze... those army barracks can get pretty stinky! :P (a friend of his also wants to get some jeans, so we'll see... the BBQ pork place is also on our list of places to go: NO STRESS, though!)

When I got home, I wished Vivian a good trip and said I'd see her when she got back. Then I went into my apartment and emailed Terrence the poop chart: I called Steph to tell her that he should check his email ASAP, haha. Terrence got on the phone and said that was awesome... he's emailed me back with laughter and thanks. Speaking of email, I now know why I took certain drastic measures with my mom's email last year: FORWARDS GALORE! :P

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The girl in that image kinda reminds me of someone I used to know!

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