Sunday, July 02, 2006

Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island walkthrough

Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island walkthrough

# PREFACE: In this walkthrough, the three icons (hand / eyes / parrot) are usually mentioned by the actions they perform on a specific object. However, in special cases where the icon's connection to an object is not obvious (such as using the parrot icon to bite something) I will mention it as well to avoid confusion. Talking thoroughly with someone means asking every question until questions are repeated (usually basically saying, "could you tell me that again?"). Generally during the game, you want to talk as much as possible, as there is often crucial information given. Knowing why you are doing what you are doing makes playing the game more enjoyable, even if you are doing a walkthrough. In some instances, the walkthrough has some repetitive parts that are either for enhancing your knowledge of what you are doing, or in some instances to add funny segments that couldn't be reached without making a mistake at least once. There is always a reason behind these deviations from efficiency, rest assured. Enjoy the game, and feel free to abandon the walkthrough at any point to try solving the puzzles yourself. The more puzzles you solve through your own ingenuity the more enjoyable the game is. Uppercase letters are used on new inventory items, so that you know where you got them when they are required later in the game. [Note: guides to the differences between Regular and MegaMonkey mode are included in the parts where they occur.]

Part I: The Demise of the Pirate Zombie LeChuck
Part II: The Curse Gets Worse
-- The Crew
-- The Map
-- The Ship
-- Elaine
-- Guide to differences in Regular and Mega modes
Part III: Three Sheets to the Wind
-- Insult and Reply Guide
-- Rottingham Reply Guide
Part IV: The Bartender, the Thieves, His Aunt, and Her Lover
-- Guide to differences in Regular and Mega modes
Part V: Kiss of the Spider Monkey
-- Clearing Guybrush's Head
-- Guide to differences in Regular and Mega modes
Part VI: Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again
-- Guide to differences in Regular and Mega modes

# You start the game in the hold. Pick up the RAMROD and then talk to the small pirate thoroughly. The "you're a failure as a pirate" is the crucial comment that ends the conversation, so if you enjoy witty conversation, save that for last. Now that Wally is in tears, take the PLASTIC HOOK. Now you can use the cannon (hand icon). While you can simply try shooting randomly until you actually hit the boats... to hit them dead on each time, here are instructions: for the two closest boats, line each up with the cannon vertically, point the cannon all the way down and then up just one notch. Shooting from this position should hit them both perfectly. For the two boats farther away... use the same method, only use 7 notches up instead. Once finished, use the red arrow to look out the window the cannon sticks out of. In your inventory, use the ramrod on the plastic hook to make a GAFF. Keep listening to Murray -- the game's comic jewel -- until he comments about how unfair this is. Talk to Murray thoroughly in one of the funniest dialogues I've heard. (I have found to my dismay that if you choose comments in the wrong order, some of the comment options disappear. The optimal dialogue path I found is "Lose Something?", "doorstop," "BOB," "candle," any sarcastic scream, "eyeballs," "wear," and "bald.") Now use the gaff on the debris: this gets you the SKELETON ARM and the CUTLASS. For fun, use the skeleton arm on Murray, then the gaff on Murray. Now use the red arrow to go back inside. You've got to bust your way out. Remember Newton's law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction? Put this to use by using the cutlass on the restraint rope, and then use the cannon. After the sequence, you'll be stuck in the treasure hold. You need to get through that hole in the top. Pick up the BAG (it's filled with wooden nickels) then pick up the RING. Diamonds have more uses than one, so use the ring on the porthole and you will float your way up through the hole. [Note: No difference between regular and mega modes.]

# Pick up the EMBER among the ship remnants and head down the path to the right. Click on the red arrow to go to the map. Click on the swamp area to go see the Voodoo Lady: she always has the best information on what needs to be done to counteract curses. After talking again to Murray (he pops up in the strangest places), go into the wrecked ship. Pick up the PASTE and PIN. Next use the bag of nickels on the gumball machine to get the PACK OF GUM. You've pretty much cleaned out the useful items, so pull the alligator tongue to summon the Voodoo Lady. Talk thoroughly with the Voodoo Lady, using every option until they repeat. Some of these bring up useful information and some are just for amusement. By the end, you should know that:
1. You have to get to Blood Island to get the ring.
2. You have to get a crew, map and ship to get to Blood Island.
3. You have to get Elaine from the pirates of Danger Cove.

Also take note of the El Pollo Diablo tale: it should prove useful later on. It's time to get working on getting the crew, map, and ship. While some of the things done in the section are important in getting the other items... for the first part, you'll focus on getting the crew.

# Exit the wrecked ship and swamp to the map and use the far left arrow on the town of Puerto Pollo. Examine the disclaimer to the right of the lemonade stand and then talk to the small pirate. Buy some lemonade. So you got cheated, but you can beat him at his own game later. Walk right and examine the signs surrounding the entrance to Danger Cove (currently overgrown with bushes). For fun, talk to the walk-through ordering speaker on the side of the chicken house. Take the flyer nailed to the wall and go into the chicken shop. It looks like you'll have to have a reservation slip before returning.
# Continue right and click on the red arrow going into the left side of the Theater (the building with the "Speare!" sign). Examine the Blood Island sticker on the side of the trunk. Next, examine the pirate coat and then take the DANDRUFF. Open the pocket of the coat and take the WHITE GLOVE. Now take the MAGIC WAND and use it on the magic hat to get a BOOK. In your inventory, examine the book: it's on ventriloquism. Also notice that the dandruff is in fact LICE. For fun, try to take the donkey head mask on the wall. Head upstairs just to get a sense of the lighting area, but there's nothing you can do here now. Go back down to the right and onto the stage.
# Talk to the hideous pirate for fun, and then talk to the actor. You can talk about other things, but focus on Blood Island: he won’t let you into the production or watch the rehearsal. You'll learn that his agent Palido is on the beach at the Brimstone Beach Club. You'll go there later when trying to get the map. Leave to the left and walk through the dressing room to the outside. Next head down to the docks and into the Barbery Coast barber shop.
# For fun, talk to Rottingham and use as many insults and scare tactics as possible. Obviously that won't work, so you're going to have to play dirty. Use the lice on the comb while the barber is resting it on the table. Bye-bye, Baldy! Use the chair to start the haircut and then talk thoroughly to Haggis, especially about him joining the crew. You'll find out you need to win the caber toss. Don't end the haircut to try it out just yet: you'll need to even the playing field before doing that. For now, start by getting the scissors. To do this, use the handle on the chair once and then take the PAPER WEIGHT. Haggis' place in the book will be lost, and he'll leave. Use the handle on the chair 3 more times and then take the SCISSORS. You'll automatically go back down. At this point, you can end the haircut and go talk to the other pirates.
# Talk next to the salty pirate who turns out to be Cutthroat Bill. Talk thoroughly with him, especially about whether he's still pirating. You'll need to bring him a gold item before he will join your crew. Next, get his jawbreaker by patting him on the back (hand icon) twice. Pick up the JAWBREAKER from the floor.
# Next, talk thoroughly to the dapper pirate (Edward). For fun, try auditioning for the 4th member of the barbershop quartet position using every song you know, and use every insult. Obviously, that's not the sort of insult he wants. Use the white glove on Edward to challenge him to a duel. When you get to the duel field and focus on the pistol cases, close the center box lid. Use the hand on the banjo case behind him to choose the banjo as your weapon. What proceeds is 3 sessions of dueling banjos, if you get the order down correctly (you start over with the first if you get one strum wrong). To help, I've left spaces for writing down the number of the string that needs to be strummed in the series (top string is 1, bottom is 5). The first is a series of 4, the second of 5, then the third of 6. String series: 1. __ , __ , __ , __ 2. __ , __ , __ , __ , __ 3. __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ When he gets cocky at the end... use the hand icon on the gun pile, take the pistol, then use the pistol on the dueling banjo. You’ve gotten your first crew member, Snugglecakes! (I'm talking about him, not you. Honestly, we've never met.)
# Leave the barber shop and go back to the undergrowth surrounding Danger Cove. Use the scissors first on the mysterious FLOWER, and then on the undergrowth. Remembering the chemical effects of the ipecac flower should prove useful later on, so keep it in mind. Well not exactly later on. To get yourself out of the belly of the snake, start by picking up every item just to the left of you in the snake's stomach. Go into your inventory and use the flower on the syrup, then the ipecac syrup on the head of the snake. Out of the frying pan and into the... sand? To get out of the quicksand, use the hand icon on the reeds and the thorn bush to get the REED and THORN. Then go into your inventory and use the thorn on the reed to make the PEA SHOOTER, and then use the balloon on the paper weight. Use the parrot icon on the floating balloon to blow on it. Now use the pea shooter on the floating balloon.
# Finally, you're at Danger Cove. Examine the boat on the shore: it looks like you'll have to fix that hole before we can proceed to the pirate ship. Leave the cove, and when at the map, choose the center arrow into Puerto Pollo. If you've looked in your inventory, you might have noticed that you now have a RESERVATION SLIP for the chicken restaurant. Head into the restaurant with confidence, and start out by talking to Blondebeard, especially about El Pollo Diablo and where he needs to deliver chicken. Notice his tooth: that's all the gold we'd need to convince Bill.
# Give the jawbreaker to Blondebeard, and then give him the gum when he asks for something chewy. Get the pin out of your inventory and use it on the bubble that Blondebeard periodically blows. Pick up the tooth off the floor. However, Blondebeard will frisk you if you try to go out for the tooth, so the tooth will have to make it out some other way. To do this, eat some of the gum yourself, then use it on the gold tooth. Use the parrot icon on the balloon to breathe the helium, and then on the gum and tooth to chew it. The bubble you blow will float out the window. (Sounds like it went down something metal.) Before you leave, pick up the BISCUIT, BISCUIT CUTTER, and PIE PAN. Go into your inventory and eat the biscuit: yuck!
# Next, use the maggots you find inside the biscuit on the gross chicken sitting on the table. A BRIMSTONE BEACH CLUB CARD! Pick it up and then give the quiet patron a shove. Promotions for future LucasArts products aside, pick up the SERRATED KNIFE from the patron's back. Now leave the restaurant, and once you get outside and use the pie pan on the mudpuddle under the drain pipe. You've got the GOLD TOOTH. Before you show Bill the tooth, head through the archway on the right side of the city to the playing field. It’s time to give Guybrush some help with the caber toss: obviously strength alone won't be enough.
# Go onto the grassy knoll and use the serrated knife on the sawhorse beneath the keg of rum. After that comes tumbling down, use the ember on the trail of rum. Kaboom! Now you have a rubber tree to use for your caber. Leave the grassy knoll for the playing field.. and before you leave for the barber shop, use the biscuit cutter on the remaining rubber tree: now you have a RUBBER PLUG for the boat. Return to the barber shop and show the tooth to Bill. Talk to Haggis and agree to try the caber toss. Looks like you now have all three crew members.

# After the animated sequence, head for the ? on the beachy penninsula on the lower-right portion of the island. Try to go onto the beach, but you will be rudely affronted by the Cabana Boy. Show him your club card and he can't refuse you. Head onto the beach: you won't get very far before you get serious burns on your feet. Return to the cabana and pick up 3 TOWELS, one after another. Use the towels on the ice bucket.
# Go back onto the beach and use the towels on the hot sand 3 times to form a complete path across the beach. Talk to the sunbather, particularly about Blood Island. Once you find out he has a map on his back, take his MUG as he requested: it's time to give him an artificial sunburn.
# Open the gate and go through it to get back to the map. Go to the far left side of Puerto Pollo and use the mug on the BOTTOMLESS MUG at the lemonade stand to switch them. Agree again to buy lemonade. After he retreats, take the PITCHER and use it on the dye vats.
# Return to the map through the Danger Cove exit and head back to the beach. Use the bottomless mug on Palido, and then the pitcher on the bottomless mug. Insta-sunburn, but how to take the map? Remember his comment on sunburn peeling? I know... it's too gross, but it's all we've got. Head back to the Cabana: the Cabana Boy won't give up the vegetable oil easily, so this means war. Pick up a TOWEL to use it on the ice bucket, then use the wet towel on the Cabana Boy locker room style. Take the VEGETABLE OIL and return to the beach. Use the oil on the map to burn the skin, then use the hand icon on the map to peel it off. You've got the MAP, so let's go get the ship next.

# Head back to the map and over to Danger Cove. To get the ship you have to become the magic and the mystery that is... El Pollo Diablo. In your inventory, combine the paste and the rubber plug... then use the sticky plug on the gaping hole in the boat. Use the boat and head for the pirate ship.
# Once there at the pirate ship, climb up on deck. You aren't welcomed there apparently, but due to economical measures, they won’t tar and feather you. After you jump back into the boat, use the serrated knife on the plank. Now they'll have no choice. Go up on deck again and alert Fossey by attempting to open the door. Once you return to the beach, leave Danger Cove.
# While you could go directly to your final destination at the chicken restaurant... for fun, go to the swamp and the barber shop first. Once at the chicken restaurant, you'll be served hot and juicy to the cabin of the pirate ship. LeChimp, eh? After Fossey finishes talking, use the ventriloquism book on LeChimp. You've now gotten the ship under your control, so open the right porthole and jump out (your plank awaits you).

# The TREASURE MAP you found on the ship is actually instructions for using the lights at the theater. Return to the theater and walk to the right onto the stage. You will walk back off to avoid watching public embarrassment (luckily, the monkeys aren't upset: not exactly discriminating clientele). Go upstairs and then use the directions on the map (NW is upper-left, W is left, SW is lower left, etc.): SE, NW, W, S, E, NE, NE, E, SW. If you get one wrong, just flip the switch and start over. For fun, keep watching the spotlight shape after each pressing of the button (particularly just after the first NE). Now that the X has marked the spot, you need to go down and find a way to get the actor off the stage. Use the CHICKEN GREASE (that went into your inventory automatically from the chicken pot) on the cannonballs to cause the actor to fumble when he juggles them. Now that he's out of the way, go onto the stage and pick up the shovel to start digging.


In the Regular Mode here are all the things that have been altered:
1. You don't need to get Bill to spit out the jawbreaker.
2. You don't need to fix the boat, hence there is no paste or biscuit cutter available.
3. The white glove is not in the pirate coat's pocket, but is instead hanging from the sleeve.
4. You aren't frisked by Blondebeard for gold tooth, thus there is no pie pan available.
5. You don't need to use maggots on the chicken to get the club card, thus no maggots in your inventory.
6. You don't have to use lengthy directions with the lights: simply flip the switch.

# OK, so Rottingham has the map: we'll get it back eventually. If we ever get the pirates to stop singing, that is. The key ending word to land them voiceless is "orange": they can't find a rhyme for it. This phrase will come up after several singing sessions. While I rather enjoyed the singing and saved "orange" for last... everyone’s a critic, so end it as soon as you wish. Now comes the critical decision: will you be a man of action and battle on your own, or a man of intellect and use help? If you choose the former, you can always switch if it gets too rough by talking to Haggis.
# A general strategy note is to try as often as possible to be perpendicular to the other boat with your cannons facing its bow or stern. (front or back) You can then get them without getting shot yourself. When you defeat them, it's another matter... so here’s the handy-dandy Insult and Reply Guide with spaces included to check off which ones you have gained and are available for use. A general rule with the insults is to always use the insults you don't know the replies to first, as the chances of finishing off the pair are much greater. It's the replies that you'll need in your duel with Rottingham, so insults without the replies are of no use.

1. __ Every enemy I've met I've annihilated!
__ With your breath, I'm sure they suffocated.

2. __ You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligee.
__ I look that much like your fiancée?

3. __ I have never seen such clumsy swordplay!
__ You would have, but you were always running away.

4. __ I'll hound you night and day!
__ Then be a good dog. Sit! Stay!

5. __ Killing you would be justifiable homicide!
__ Then killing you must be justifiable fungicide.

6. __ I'll skewer you like a sow on a buffet!
__ When I'm done with you, you'll be a boneless fillet.

7. __ Would you like to be buried or cremated?
__ With you around, I'd prefer to be fumigated.

8. __ When your father first saw you, he must have been mortified!
__ At least mine can be identified.

9. __ En garde! Touché!
__ Oh, that is so cliché.

10. __ Coming face to face with me must leave you petrified!
__ Is that your face? I thought it was your backside.

11. __ You can't match my witty repartee!
__ I could if you would use some breath spray.

12. __ I'll leave you devastated, mutilated, and perforated!
__ Your odor makes me aggravated, agitated, and infuriated.

13. __ Throughout the Caribbean, my great deeds are celebrated!
__ Too bad they're all fabricated.

14. __ You're the ugliest monster ever created.
__ If you don't count all the ones you've dated.

15. __ Heaven preserve me! You look like something that's died!
__ The only way you'll be preserved is in formaldehyde.

16. __ I can't rest 'til you've been exterminated!
__ Then perhaps you should switch to decaffeinated.

Again, make sure to use the insults without replies at every occasion. Your first ship is the one with the orange "?" which are titled the "Really Not Fearsome Pirates"... keep going at this one until you have its treasure. The next ships are the green-colored "Mildly Fearsome Pirates," the blue-colored "Semi-Fearsome Pirates," the brown-colored "Pretty Fearsome Pirates," the white- colored "Fearsome Pirates," and finally the red-colored "Really Fearsome Pirates." With each new ship, keep going at it until its booty is yours, learning new insults and replies as you go. By the time you have truly finished off these, you should have a pretty good vocabulary of insults. Head to Plunder Town Harbor to upgrade you cannons to the "Destructomatic T-47" using your ship's booty to pay for it. Once you've upgraded, head back to face Rottingham.

1. My attacks have left entire islands depopulated!
With your breath, I'm sure they suffocated.

2. You have the sex appeal of a Shar-Pei!
I look that much like your fiancée?

3. I have never lost a melee!
You would have, but you were always running away.

4. You'll find I'm dogged and relentless to my prey.
Then be a good dog. Sit! Stay!

5. When I'm done, your body will be rotted and putrefied!
Then killing you must be justifiable fungicide.

6. Your lips look like they belong on the catch of the day!
When I'm done with you, you'll be a boneless fillet.

7. I give you a choice: you can be gutted or decapitated!
With you around, I'd prefer to be fumigated.

8. You're a disgrace to your species! You're so undignified!
At least mine can be identified.

9. Your mother wears a toupee!
Oh, that is so cliché.

10. Never before have I faced someone so sissified!
Is that your face? I thought it was your backside.

11. Nothing can stop me from blowing you away!
I could if you would use some breath spray.

12. I can't tell which of my traits has you the most intimidated.
Your odor makes me aggravated, agitated, and infuriated.

13. My skills with a sword are highly venerated.
Too bad they're all fabricated.

14. Your looks would make pigs nauseated!
If you don't count all the ones you've dated.

15. Nothing on this earth could save your sorry hide!
The only way you'll be preserved is in formaldehyde.

16. Your stench would make an outhouse cleaner irritated!
Then perhaps you should switch to decaffeinated.

You’ve now reclaimed the MAP. On the off-chance that you have not gained enough replies to defeat Rottingham, simply go back to the other pirate ships, particularly the "Really Fearsome Pirates" ship, and duel to gain more replies. You have no treasure and they have no treasure, so there's nothing to lose. After being defeated by Rottingham, the game provides you with a surge of new insults to make sure that you aren't defeated again. [Note: No difference between regular and mega modes.]

# Looks like you're on your own now. Pick up the BOTTLE in the sand. Examine it in your inventory (it's shaving cream) and use the parrot icon on it to open it to get the CORK. Try to take the lotion, then talk with Haggis about the lotion twice: you'll find out he's out of tar, and will trade the lotion for anything of the same consistency. Leave the shipwreck area and head up the hill to the clearing. Nothing to do here yet: just examine Elaine and the fireflies for future reference.
# Now, go to the hotel (the large building on the hill). Walk onto the patio and examine the cooking pot, barbecue, and billboard. Head indoors to the bar and examine the fork in the nacho cheese: the cheese's properties are remarkably tar-like.
# Open the door in the back and enter. Examine the cheese: we'll have to wait until later to get some. Take the REFRIGERATOR MAGNET, examine the file cabinet, and then leave.
# Head over to the fortune teller and examine the plaque on the table. Talk to her and keep repeatedly asking her to read your future until she's revealed 5 tarot cards, calls you a demon, and won’t talk to you anymore. Take the TAROT CARDS.
# Then head over to the bar. Pick up the RECIPE BOOK next to the pickles and the far left barstool CUSHION. Also take the BROCHURES: you don't have to, but they foreshadow coming events if you examine them in your inventory. Try talking to the bartender: he needs something to clear his head. Go into your inventory to examine and read through the recipe book, paying careful attention to pages 8 and 9. Here is the recipe for a hangover remedy -- Head-B-Clear -- and after that one a recipe for disaster which will be useful later. You need to get an egg, pepper, and the hair of the dog that bit you. You'll wait until later to go upstairs.
# For now, just leave the hotel and head for the cemetery. Aside from glancing at the tomb and crypt, head a screen to the left. Pick up the MALLET and the CHISEL. Also pick up the SMELLY DOG HAIR from the dog. He hasn't bitten yet, so offer him the maggot-infested biscuit. Chomp! That took care of that technicality. Leave the cemetery and head for the beach (the area with the colonnade). Walk to the right. To get the egg, use the cushion on the rocks, and then the mallet on the rubber tree. Now you have the EGG. Examine the weathered sign and then leave the beach.
# Go to the lighthouse and examine the mirror: it's broken and needs to be replaced. A lantern is also missing. Click on the down arrow to leave, then head over to the windmill on the hill. Try opening the door (it's locked) and grabbing the windmill blades (you can't get a grip). We'll have to come back to this location later for the barrel. For now, simply pick up the PEPPER from the pepper bush.
# Leave the windmill and head up to the strange lights near the volcano. Walk to the right through the village and take the BLOCK OF TOFU. I know that you've probably never had the desire to do this in the past, but trust me. Then pick up the AUGER and the MEASURING CUP. Continue to the right and then up towards the volcano.
# Talk thoroughly with the islander (Lemonhead), until he describes the appearance of the featured guest that hasn't shown up yet. Lactose-intolerant volcano god? Of course, this means we'll have to give him indigestion eventually.
# Leave to the bottom left and exit the village. It's time to head back to the hotel to give the bartender his remedy. Go into the bar, but before you give him the items, go into the back room and use the chisel on the wheel of cheese to get some NACHO CHEESE. Then return and give the egg, dog hair, and pepper to the bartender (one after another: he'll do the mixing). Now that he's willing to talk to you, talk thoroughly to Goodsoup and you'll learn about some very important things:
1. That the hotel business is suffering for the lack of volcano activity.
2. About the guest that never checked out, who haunted the room and was locked in.
3. That the ring is in the Goodsoup family crypt with his Aunt, whereas the diamond is on Skull Island.
# While you're talking, ask Goodsoup for the fruity drink with the UMBRELLA. Go ahead and drink the fruity drink. Pick up the EMPTY JAR.
# Go left and upstairs. Open the first door to go in. Examine the porthole, then use the mallet on the nail in the wall. Open the door to exit. Examine, then take the PORTRAIT: Guybrush will get rid of the frame. Pick up the NAIL. Try to open the right door: it's locked, just as Goodsoup said.
# Leave the upstairs and return to the bar. Try to take the mirror and then go upstairs: Goodsoup will catch you. How to create the illusion of there being a mirror when there isn't one? Go into your inventory and use the scissors on the portrait. Take the MIRROR and then use the portrait face you cut out on the mirror frame. The illusion is complete, so leave the hotel. Now that we’re better fortified by inventory items head over to the windmill. Use the umbrella on the windmill blades to get a ride to the barrel. Examine the barrel: sugar water. Exactly what insects love. Use the empty jar on the barrel to fill it with sugar water. Use the doorway to the right to exit the windmill and leave. Head up to the village: it's time to try out the ceremony.
# You need to look like one of them to get in. They have giant vegetables for heads. Be creative and use the block of tofu instead. Go into your inventory and sculpt the tofu with the chisel to make a mask: Martha Stewart would be proud (although I don't recall seeing Tofu Masks For the Holidays in Living). Put on the tofu mask by using the hand icon on the mask in your inventory.
# Now head up to the volcano. You need only start to talk to Lemonhead and he will usher you up to the precipice over the volcano. After the ceremony, simply use the nacho cheese on the seething caldera (i.e. the lava).
# Now head over to the hotel and go to the barbecue. Use the remaining nacho cheese on the cooking pot, then use the hand icon on the cooking pot to pick it up and take it to the shipwreck in lieu of tar. Now you can pick up the LOTION. Use the measuring cup on the sea-water, then leave the area and head for the clearing. Use the lotion on the diamond ring, then pull it off. It explodes, so it has no use other than to clear the way for the new ring. Now it's time to catch some fireflies. Go into your inventory and use the auger on the jar lid before you capture the fireflies. Innocent firefly lives will be lost from suffocation if you don't. Use the jar on the fireflies, then use the hole-punched lid on the jar to capture them. You have a LANTERN. Leave and go to the lighthouse. Use the lantern on the lantern post, then the mirror on the broken mirror. The lighthouse finally works! Remember the story of the Welsh Ferryman who was lost in the mists?
# Go down to the beach next and talk to him. Ask him if he'll take you to Skull Island: he won't unless you get him a compass. In your inventory, do the following: use the refrigerator magnet on the pin, use the magnetized pin on the cork, then use the cork on the measuring cup full of sea-water. You now have a compass, so give it to him.
# You don't want to go to Skull Island just yet, so leave knowing he’ll be waiting there whenever you're ready to go. Go to the cemetery and down a screen, then look through the crack between the door. Talk through the crack in the door. Mort will tell you the only way to get into the crypt is to drop dead. It's time to do some serious dying -- you need to get into that crypt -- so head back to the hotel and order a drink. In your inventory, use the chisel on the Head-B-Clear bottle to open it and then use the bottle on the drink. Drink the spiked drink: you'll have exactly the safe coma-that-looks-like-death that you were hoping for. In the tomb (after the credits reverse), use the chisel on the lower right coffin to open it and get out. Even though you hear knocking, go ahead and pick up the COFFIN NAILS from your coffin:
# Stan's waited a long time to get out, so he can wait a bit longer. Now use the chisel on the center coffin to let Stan out. After he talks and gives you his BUSINESS CARD, you can leave: it will take a while for him to set up shop as an insurance agent.
# Go back to the hotel and talk to Goodsoup, asking why you weren't buried in the family crypt. Pretend to be his long-lost nephew, Wonton Goodsoup, but your looks will give you away. Head upstairs and go over to the right door. Do what any accomplished lock-picker would do: use Stan's laminated business card on the door to open it. You can examine the night stand and wardrobe, but there's no use for them. Pull down the Murphy bed: notice that if you try to take the book, the bed will flip back up. While you have it down, examine the book: you'll probably need it to fully prove your Goodsoup heritage. To keep the bed down, use both the nail and the coffin nails on the bed: you'll need all of them to keep it down. Pick up the GOODSOUP HISTORY BOOK. After a quick examination of the skeleton, leave the room.
# Next, you need to prove you are a Goodsoup. "Waste not, want not" holds true in this case: you now have a use for the rest of the portrait that you cut the face from. Use the portrait on the left door, open the door to go inside, then look through the porthole. You've proved your Goodsoup looks, so go downstairs and finish off the illusion by discussing Goodsoup history with your new Uncle. Now that you're a Goodsoup and will have to die again to get into the crypt anyway, you might as well get some money from it. Besides, what smuggler would give up a huge diamond for free?
# Go to the cemetery and into Mutual of Stan's. Ask for life insurance and use the pirate's gold tooth as payment: you will get the LIFE INSURANCE.
# Go back to the hotel and the bar. Order a drink, spike it with Head-B-Clear, and drink it. Now you will end up in the crypt. For fun, examine the crumbling hole in the ceiling: it won't get you anywhere, but it sure brings back memories. Then head to the left until you meet the ghost. Talk to her thoroughly. You'll learn that:
1. The one other suitor besides LeChuck that she found attractive was the one who never checked out of the hotel.
2. She needs to marry before Guybrush can get the ring.
# Head further to the left and pick up the CROWBAR in the coffin. What are those laughs? Walk towards the crack by going around the right side of the coffin to find out. Murray! For once he might be useful, so pick MURRAY up. Now look through the crack and talk to Mort. For fun, use every option before finally announcing your "web of deceit" and then choose the angry ghost option last. After a few futile attempts to scare Mort, retreat to sulk. While you are still looking into Mort's room, go into your inventory and use the paste on the skeleton arm. Now use the sticky skeleton arm on the LANTERN to take it. Now that you're back at the crypt screen, go into your inventory and use the lantern on Murray. Murray finally gets his opportunity to terrify mortals, and you get your ticket out of the crypt. It's a win / win situation, and to make it even more so, stop by Stan's. Murray finds a very temporary home.
# You can return to the hotel. Why not claim your benefits now? Because you need proof, and now that you're a Goodsoup, your death certificate is held with other family legal documents in the file cabinet. Return to the hotel and go into the back room to take the DEATH CERTIFICATE. Before you press your legal claim, you need to find Millie an equally dead mate, especially one she likes.
# Go upstairs and use the crowbar on the boarded hole. Examine the gaping hole: it's a straight shot to the cemetery. Now use the crowbar on the bed to catapult your skeletal friend to his dearest love. After the sequence, you'll be in the crypt. Take the RING and leave the crypt.
# After the sequence, go into Stan's and give the life insurance policy to him: you will give him the death certificate when he asks incredulously, and he will finally give you A LOT OF MONEY.
# Now return to the beach and ask the Flying Welshman to take you to Skull Island. Once you arrive, you'll eventually arrive at the top of the cliff. Ask the winch operator to lower you down the cliff. Oh dear, you're falling and you can't get up. After taking a bump or two on the head, go up to the top of the cliff again. This time, you'll be prepared. Despite LaFoot's reassurances, he'll drop you again, so prepare to do the Mary Poppins maneuver. When he lowers you down and you're falling, go into your inventory and use the hand icon on the umbrella to use it. You'll float down gracefully to the cave below.
# When talking to the smugglers, highlight your assets by saying you have SO much money. Be truthful about your name and make a deal to play a poker game. As expected, your hand is lousy, so go into your inventory and use the tarot cards on it: five of a kind!
# You'll win the game, and narrowly escape. After a bit of sweet revenge you return to Blood Island. After seeing the LeChuck sequence, you know time is of the essence, so head directly to the clearing. In your inventory, use the diamond on the ring, then the ring on Elaine.

In the Regular Mode, here are all the things that have been altered:
1. The Mirror in the lighthouse doesn't need replacement.
2. The dog biscuits are provided as more obvious way to get bitten by the dog.
3. You don't have to prove you look like a Goodsoup.
4. The door of windmill isn't locked.
5. The door of the skeleton's room isn't closed or locked.
6. The first drink you order always comes with an umbrella.
7. The jar of shaving cream easily opens.

# Take advantage of every dialogue option on LeChuck that you can, since there's some really funny stuff as well as some filling in of the cracks between the Monkey Island games. If you want to, you can skip it... but for the full experience, I'd recommend trying everything. When you're left after being zapped, simply open the tram door to leave.
# When Guybrush enters the carnival he will mention that his head feels foggy, and he can't think. Sounds like a job for Head-B-Clear. Now all we have to do is to find all three ingredients. The meringue in the pie contains eggs, so lets work on that first. Your Wharf Rat friend obviously won't let you near the pies, and you can't get over to where the mime is while he's there, so let's get rid of the mime.
# Go over to Dinghy Dog and ask him about the prizes. Have him guess your age, and he will miss. However much you're longing to take Murray, take the ANCHOR instead. Go into your inventory and make a FAKE PIE: use the anchor on the pie pan, then the shaving cream on the pie pan. Use the fake pie on the pie stack: you'll automatically ask Wharf Rat to shoot the cannon, and this will knock the mime out. Use the hand icon on the hole the mime looked through to have Wharf Rat pitch the pie at you. You now have the MERINGUE: one down, two to go. To get the HAIR OF THE DOG and have him bite you, go over to Dinghy Dog and push him 6 times. He'll bite you, and you'll grab the hair.
# To finish off the ingredients, go over to the Snow Cone stand and take the PEPPER MILL. To put them together, ask the soda jerk for a PLAIN SNOW CONE. Go into your inventory immediately after you get it... and then use the pepper, meringue, and dog hair on it. It looks awful, but eat it anyway.

*DIFFERENCES IN GAME MODES* In the Regular Mode here are all the things that have been altered:
1. You only have to use the anchor on the stack of meringue pies to knock the mime out.
2. You only have to hit Dinghy Dog 3 times to get the hair of the dog that bites you.

# Quickly click on the first arrow up to get up onto the 1st diorama (Herman Toothrot). Take the ROPE, and then get into one of the cars. Click on the up arrow to the 2nd diorama (Rum Rogers), and take the KEG O' RUM. Click on a passing car to exit. If LeChuck shows up at any time, don't worry: Guybrush is too quick for him. If you miss an item, the track is circular, so you can always come back for it. Use the up arrow on the 3rd diorama (Wally), and open the lantern. Use the parrot icon to blow the fire on the flask of oil out, then take the FLASK OF OIL.
# Get into a passing car (if LeChuck doesn't force you into one) and then click on the up arrow at the 4th diorama (Ice Monkey). Head up the path, then use the keg o' rum on the Ice Monkey arm. In your inventory: use the flask of oil on the rope, then use the rope on the keg.
# Finally, head back down the path with the pepper mill in hand. When LeChuck arrives, simply use the pepper mill on him at your very first opportunity.

In the Regular Mode, here are all the things that have been altered:
1. The flask of oil is ready to take.


By the way, you might want to wait through the excruciatingly long credits to see another segment. The segment has been accused of being lame, and goodness knows everyone is grumpy after sitting through a listing of most of the world's population. You've gotten this far, so why not wait and watch? At least you will have something useful to complain to other gamers about.

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