Friday, January 20, 2006

Suudsu / Hockey Wins / Bizarre Ebay Auctions / Questions 3601-3650 of 5000

Now I can make suudsu if I choose. Gotta ask Eric whether I put the gummi bears in first, or the milk, though!

The Canucks won 4-1 against the Buffalo Sabres tonight, and three third-period goals helped immensely. :D

Weird, Unusual, and Bizarre Ebay Auctions

Note: LJ road trip / LJ band loves / LJ Rich, Powerful, and Famous blogquizzes. (by Matthew, Kyle, and Liz)

Note: LJ Pool Party / Jones Soda / LJ Video Game Memegens. (by neonblack, America_Mamushi)

Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P

The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.

3601. What brands do you like? Original answer: "Brands of what?" Just PICK a few things, sheesh! I like Colgate, Breyers, Yoplait, Astro, and Nabisco.

3602. What do you think of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy of gays in the military? It doesn't affect me personally, so I have no opinion.

3603. Why do you think that so many people have such a problem with gays? Because it's not socially acceptable to those people.

3604. It seems like it is more accepted for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man. Why do you think that is? Because men are supposed to be manly, heh.

3605. When a kid kisses another kid on the playground, is it sexual harassment? Not necessarily.

3606. If you had to name yourself after an object in the room with you, what would you pick? The phone.

3607. Pick the two most important things out of these: writing deep thoughts, expressing yourself clearly, being honest, finding new novel ways to waste time, being organized, practicing what you want to do, and trying to be famous? Being organized and practicing what you want to do.

3608. You were only waiting for this moment to: come so you could beat the living hell out of me.

3609. Knowing historically that native American Indians were and are the first Americans, how do you feel about America and current Americans? Not sure.

3610. Just what exactly determines whether or not one is "mental"? The guidelines of the psychiatric associations.

3611. Is it true that people with depression CAN'T function in society? No, but what they do might not be acceptable. *shrug*

3612. Fill in the blank: half of what I say is _____. Utter crap.

3613. Some people believe the Holocaust was a hoax. What do you think of this? I don't think it was a hoax... who would make THAT up?! Besides, it's been well-documented in history!

3614. Does EVERYONE in the world care about how they look except YOU? Eh, I suppose.

3615. Do you love Italian names like Lorenzo, Gaetano, and Grazziano? Maybe not THOSE particular names, but other ones.

3616. Everyone does horrible things. Do you think that people are more accepting of the bad things they do themselves, or the bad things others do? The bad things they do themselves.

Which are you more accepting of? The bad things I do.

3617. Is it true that NO ONE wants to date grumpy people? Yes.

3618. Bush and his henchmen have now come up with a list of people for the CIA to assassinate. What do you think of this? That is not good.

3619. Why is it that in many states sodomy and oral sex are still illegal, even if they are consensual? Because they haven't repealed those old laws yet.

3620. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of:

liberals? Immoral people.

conservatives? Straitlaced people who have no fun.

hippies? Granola.

Nobel Peace Prize winners? Prestige.

Black Panthers? The 60's.

Time magazine? Articles.

feminists? Camille DiPaglia.

3621. Order these issues from "most important and needing to be dealt with" to "least important and we can put it off":

cloning: 5
racism: 4
AIDS cure: 2
the Middle East: 7
putting power back in the hands of the people: 6
the environment: 3
better education: 1

3622. Do you feel like you are missing out because you can only know a certain number of people in this world and you can't know everyone? No.

3623. What do you imagine being a soldier in a war is actually like? Scary and unpredictable.

3624. Do you agree that woman should be allowed to enlist in the army? Sure, why not.

3625. What is the purpose of government? To keep order.

3626. Why don't people believe in free love anymore? It's not the 60's anymore, for one thing. Besides, I'd like to think that social mores have changed over time.

3627. Do you make decisions with your head or your heart? Heart.

3628. What is the difference between sympathy and empathy? Empathy implies you've gone through the experience yourself.

3629. Can you think of any person or group you cannot empathize with? Yes.

3630. Like creme savers? Sure.

3631. Your best friend asks you to marry them out of the blue. You say: Sure!

3632. What makes you feel seriously depressed? Losing someone I loved.

3633. Have you personally worked for peace? Not really.

3634. Do you suppress parts of yourself because you are afraid of judgement? Of course.

3635. Do you take in the ideas and opinions of others too often? Not too often, but sometimes.

3636. 36 - 24 - 36? Your locker combination / measurements are not a question, kthx.

3637. What just isn't right? Pennies.

3638. What makes your blood boil? People who call when I'm sleeping!

3639. Have you ever gone to the bathroom in a place that wasn't a bathroom? Yes, but I'm not saying when or where. Suffice to say that I'm not like the kid in this picture:

3640. Want some watermelon? Sure!

3641. What's your favorite gum? Excel Lemon Ice.

3642. What do you imagine going to Harvard is like? Very prestigious and stressful.

3643. What would you get rid of forever if you had to choose snow or rain? Snow.

3644. Is there a Santa Claus? No.

3645. Do you understand yourself? Most of the time.

Do you understand everyone else? No.

3646. Do you think there is a connection between understanding yourself and understanding others? I suppose.

3647. What's good? Friends, books, rock music, hugs, etc.

3648. Have you ever played dodgeball? Yes, and I hate it.

3649. Is there anything you feel men can do better than women? Probably.

3650. Is there anything you feel women can do better than men? Probably.

What You Know About Your Guy: Very Little

Your guy is still a huge mystery to you.
(Hopefully, you at least know his last name!)
If you have only been on a few dates, then this is okay.
But otherwise, it's time to do some digging.

Okay, so I don't have a man at present in my life. But I answered as if this were a year ago. ;)
I tried to do some digging... he didn't like that much!

What kind of Jones Soda are you? by neonblack
Name / Username:
Birth Month:
Bottle Cap Fortune:"A penguin will soon ask you to pass the soap."
Satisfaction Inflicted:: 3%
Special Thanks To:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Star Trek character is your true love? (male results) by beth86
True love:Data
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What is haunting you in your dreams? (more dreams added! =D) by evilmistymisto
Your name?
Your username?
Your eye colour?
What is haunting you in your dreams?
How many disturbing dreams have you already had?38
When will your dream come true?March 28, 2009
Quiz created with MemeGen!

If you were a meme... by nerous_neuron
Your name:
You would be about:science
You would be found in this many LJs:2,481,408
Comment made by people about you:"Its creator is a n00b!"
Your rating:: 92%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Who you really are in a Random World - by eyean
Current Name
Current Sex
Random Unisex NameAshley
Random World SexDeep
Random Wish Face
Random Fave BandBertha Does Moosejaw
Random World GodLindsay Lohan
Random World LoverMs. Pet Artist
Quiz created with MemeGen!

EWWWW... Lindsay Lohan?! *blerk*

You as a deity... by America_Mamushi
Your username...
Color associated with youDark Yellow
You are the god / goddess ofprophecy
Number of followers10,542
Number of churches devoted to you10
Your mortal avataran elf
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Poof! You're a Wizard! by America_Mamushi
Your Name or Username
Your Gender
Color of your robeBlack
Color of the trim on your robeBlue
Are you good or evil?Very Good
You specialize in magic involvingControl
How powerful are you?Pretty Darn
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What insult will Bush call you? by Falconrath
Your name
Political party
BushActivist-Judge supporter
Your main Radical Right rivalDonald Rumsfeld
Number of members of anti-you organization2,558,948
Amount of money at their disposal$185,975,115
Critical Insult percentage: 45%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What are you obsessed with? by Falconrath
Your obsessionFinal Fantasy
Your budget for this$31,943
You budget for everything else$81
Number of related items you own82,166
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the solution to the secret of SUUDSU Reference

Friday, January 20, 2006 at 6:04:00 PM PST  
Blogger Flami said...

Heh, thanks. :D

Friday, January 20, 2006 at 6:38:00 PM PST  

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