Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Amazing that we're still talking!

it's amazing that we're still talking after a few hours..
not that it hasn't happened before or anything..
especially with me and certain others I could name..
Corey, Erik, other online people, selected real-life people..
at least he managed to satisfy my ambient curiosity..
had to ask him what the heck an "Ertax" was.. bugging me..
said it was a character's name from a story he was writing..
sounds fair enough to me.. hardcore affection, here we go!
although if his connection constantly pops on and off..
I'll have to put on Everclear's Volume 2 album..
just for the song When It All Goes Wrong Again, haha..
feels awful about it, and can't do a thing with it.. I'll deal ;)

reminds me that Josh and Sam play the same D&D game..
it's the one with miniatures and lizardmen.. why the reminder?
I totally have no idea, but it's all good with those guys!
a mention of food poisoning made me think of Dianne..
there was the time that she got it from Kamei Sushi..
"don't EVER eat there, guys! it's too expensive to throw up!"
hahahaha.. typical hyper Dianne.. but we all love her, aye?

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