Sunday, January 11, 2004

Corey helps even when I'm a demon

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DENISE.. I hope you have a good one today! :) It's been really neat knowing you at church.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SABRINA.. I hope you have a really good one today! :) It's been cool knowing you all these years.

hmm.. I've been farting around on RQ most of the night..
and checking my email like a demon, since I can now..
getting computer advice from Corey always helps, as well..
got a notification of another church meeting just now..
at least this one is a "normal run-of-the-mill" type of thing!
don't know if I'm burnt out on meetings, but eh..
not much you can do about that scheduling and stuff..
just get through the meeting as best you can, of course ;)

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