Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Loony laws from the #11 Bathroom Reader

Reposted in LJ / GJ under the title "Strange Laws."

Ah, thank goodness I have so many books about weird stuff. I've been staring at this browser window for over an hour while reading some of my weird books, and wondering what to post.. I think I found something.

Here are some loony laws that I discovered in one of my Bathroom Readers (Uncle John's Great Big Bathroom Reader (#11)):

In Kentucky, it's against the law to throw eggs at a public speaker.
In Shawnee, Oklahoma.. it's illegal for three or more dogs to "meet" on private property without the consent of the owner.
In Hartford, Connecticut.. transporting a cadaver by taxi is punishable by a $5 fine.
In Michigan, it's illegal for a woman to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.
You can ride your bike on main streets in Forgan, Oklahoma.. but it's against the law to ride them backwards.
If you tie your elephant to a parking meter in Orlando, Florida.. you have to feed the meter just as if the elephant were a car.
California law forbids sleeping in the kitchen.. but allows cooking in the bedroom.
It's a felony in Montana for a wife to open a telegram addressed to her husband. (It's not a crime for the husband to open telegrams addressed to his wife.)
You can gargle in Louisiana if you want to, but it's against the law to do it in public.
In Maryland, it's against the law for grandchildren to marry their grandparents. (this is one which I thought would have been rather.. self-explanatory, given incest and everything else.. who would WANT to marry their grandparents, anyway? besides little kids who are a bit hilariously mixed up, I mean..)
It's against the law to anchor your boat to the train tracks in Jefferson City, Missouri.
In Columbis, Montana.. it's a misdemeanor to pass the Mayor on the street without tipping your hat.'
It's illegal to throw an onion in Princeton, Texas.
Kentucky law requires that every person in the state take a bath at least once a year.
It's against the law to pawn your wooden leg in Delaware.

And I just heard that contractors here are now building houses specifically for marijuana grow operations. Guess I'm not really surprised.. there IS a lot of pot / grow-ops stuff around here. (BC bud, anyone?) Thought I must say I've never tried the stuff myself. So picture your ordinary-looking house on the outside.. once you step inside, there's nothing but pot cultivation going on inside. Dunno if this is a good thing or not, though..

Oh, and if you're into anagrams.. try The Internet Anagram Server. I got a bunch of different things for my usual screen name (stuff having to do with text, flame, and leaves), and only a relatively few things for my real name (stuff having to do with legs, gels, and lines..).

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